There are so many things to disagree with Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad on politics but the man is a legend. In my opinion, his political stands are questionable yet his passion for the people* is admirable (I think he would be better off if he were to remain as Minister of Education in the previous government instead of being Prime Minister all over again). Set aside politics, which is a very discouraging subject nowadays, one thing that Tun Mahathir influences me the most is his love for reading. "I read books every day," he said during an interview with Reader's Digest for April 2020 cover magazine. He continues: "Reading is acquiring knowledge, and knowledge contributes toward your ability to tackle problems and your relationships with other people." He also said that reading gives him the substance to talk with some degree of authority.
At the age of 96, Tun Mahathir's mental sharpness can put many young people in their 30s to shame (Don't be one of them!). The term for this is 'super-agers' which refers to people in their 80s and above who have cognitive or physical function equal to that of people decades younger. One of the key factors is their lifestyle choices such as having a good habit of reading - and enjoying it. There are at least Five (5) Mental Benefits for seniors who enjoy reading books: 1) Enhancing memory; 2) Sharpening decision-making skills; 3) Delaying onset of Alzheimer’s and Dementia; 4) Reducing stress and anxiety; and 5) Help to sleep better. Well, you don't have to wait for your senior years to cultivate the habit of reading books and reap the benefits, you can start now. Actually, you MUST start now. The earlier the better. "Any time that I am free I read," remarks Tun Mahathir, "I cannot imagine doing nothing." Legend!
#ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #WhyReadingMatters #TunDrMahathir #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
To read my summary-review of these books for #1Book1Week November 2020, click titles below:
- The Greatest Fight: Spurgeon’s Urgent Message for Pastors, Teachers and Evangelists (2018) by Charles H. Spurgeon
- I Believe In The Holy Spirit (1965) by Maynard James
- The Corinthian Agenda (1982, 2004) by Michael Green
- Payoff: The Hidden Logic That Shapes Our Motivations (2016) by Dan Ariely
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