The Corinthian Agenda (1982, 2004) by Michael Green
“The apostle [Paul]’s love for his wayward church at Corinth is very obvious,” concludes the late Dr. Michael Green, an author, evangelist, and theologian. “He had after all found it. He had visited them at considerable inconvenience on numerous occasions. He had poured out his heart in letters to them and sent colleagues to help them. They were very dear to him. And yet, like any good father, he has to correct their failures and weaknesses. I am thankful he did. For what he has to say is of enormous value for the contemporary church, if only we will heed it.” I agree. God’s church in Corinth was very privileged in the early New Testament times. Paul testified: “I always thank my God for you and for the gracious gifts He has given you, now that you belong to Christ Jesus. Through Him, God has enriched your church in every way…” and “you have every spiritual gift you need…” (1 Corinthians 1:4-5, 7).
But with all of these gifts, it doesn’t guarantee that the church is all well. The issues within the church in Corinth were very serious and yet it is a blessing for us today. Why? Because without them, we won’t know how to think theologically and handle practically based on the Scripture the same issues facing the church today! So we should thank God for using Paul to give us these two sacred letters - 1 and 2 Corinthians. These letters (the scholars suggest that perhaps Paul have written at least three or four letters to the Corinthians, two of them completely or partially lost) are a remarkable record of the relations “between the greatest of church planters and one of the most influential communities [Paul] founded and cared for.” In the period of reading this book, I also took time to read 1 & 2 Corinthians in the New Living Translation (NLT) and listened to audio Bible in King James Version (KJV) read by the legendary voice of Alexander Scourby. In this way, I can get the most from the Scripture and the book. I recommend this practice especially if you’re reading Bible commentary!
In this book, Michael Green (1930 - 2019) selected some very important issues or major themes and devoted a short chapter for each. This is not a verse by verse commentary but the author just wants to show how “Paul speaks directly to us over a broad range of issues in the Christian life, and speaks with an incisiveness, clarity, and authority that are rare.” There are 3 parts (The Church, The Members & Authority) and 17 short chapters on Mission, Baptism, The Lord’s Supper, Body Life, Love, Worship, Prophecy, Intellect, Freedom, Giving, Sex, Suffering, Death, Leaders, Women & Apostles. As you can see, some of these themes are still hot issues nowadays and very much debate between and within the Christian denominational circles. Of course, I don’t agree with everything Dr. Green writes but if I only read books that I agree with, what benefits will I get? For sure, he was very passionate for the word of God, always trying to provide a balanced view on difficult issues, making sure that important points have Scripture references, and aim to be as plain and practical as possible so that we can apply these truths or principles in our everyday life. The Corinthian Agenda (first published as To Corinth with Love) is a good overview of these sacred letters. But if you want to study in-depth I suggest getting a set of 1 & 2 Corinthians MacArthur New Testament Commentary and those from The Bible Speaks Today commentary series.
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