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Charles Spurgeon: The Prince of Preachers (1988) by J. C. Carlile An edited and abridged version, 1997, by Dan Harmon |
Once in a while, when I thought that I’ve done so many works and sacrifices for the Lord in my own small, faulty, ignorance perspective, and craving for people’s appreciation and attention, I will think of two mortal men who will have none of these and puts me - and all of us - to shame. First, the indisputable apostle Paul. “For I have worked harder than any of the other apostles; yet it was not I but God who was working through me by his grace” (1 Corinthians 15:10). And secondly, Charles Haddon Spurgeon. He was called to be a preacher when he was 16 years old. It was recorded that in his entire life he preached nearly 3,600 sermons (“The collected sermons filled 63 volumes equivalent to the 27 volume ninth edition of Encyclopedia Britannica,” observes John Piper), and published 49 volumes of commentaries, sayings, illustrations, and devotions. Every week he preached 4 to 10 times, read 6 meaty books, revised sermons for publication, lectured, edited a monthly magazine, and in his spare time, he wrote about 150 books! Not to mention, he shepherded about 6,000 church members (legend says that he knew all members by name), founded and directed a theological college, an orphanage, and oversaw 66 Christian charities.* Remember too, he was a family man with a godly wife and a healthy relationship with all his children. There are more but I think you get the point.
David Livingstone, a famous missionary, once asked Spurgeon, “How can you accomplish so much in one day?” He replied wittily, “You forget, Mr. Livingstone. There are two of us working.” No doubt, he meant the presence and grace of the living God. Reading the biographies of such godly men and women like Spurgeon is a good reminder for every Christians, especially Christian ministers, to remain faithful to His Word and be productive in doing His works. This book, under the Heroes of the Faith titles from Barbour Publishing, is a good introduction to the life, ministry, and legacy of Charles H. Spurgeon. The story of Spurgeon’s childhood and conversion are very fascinating. He was a very curious boy who love nature and learning. One of his biggest influences in my life is his thirst for knowledge. Mind you, he had no formal theological training [nor being formally ordained as a minister] but he was very well-read in Puritan theology, natural history, and popular literature. This gives me hope because I too don’t have any formal theological training (Spurgeon wrote to his father who urged him to apply for college, “You know what my style is. I fancy it is not very collegelike.” Fist bump! Although, this is not an excuse if you need one) and also a sense of unworthiness because Spurgeon is Spurgeon and he is one of a kind (to compare oneself with Spurgeon is to compare a kitten with a lion). The book outlines various aspects of his life including his development as a preacher, minister, writer, educator, and defender of the Truth. A special chapter on his belief in Calvinism is also very interesting. He famously declared: “I am never ashamed to avow myself a Calvinist; I do not hesitate to take the name of Baptist; but if I am asked what is my creed, I reply – It is Jesus Christ.”
But not all of Spurgeon’s life was bright and sunny. He shared his portion of Christ’s suffering, betrayal of friends, physical pain, and emotional depression especially due to the tragic fire incident at Surrey Gardens Music Hall and the energy-sapping ‘Downgrade’ controversy (R.J. Sheehan’s C.H. Spurgeon and the Modern Church, 1985, is an excellent short book to know more about this great battle). At the end of the day, Spurgeon is still a mortal man with flaws, and very much in need of the Saviour like the rest of us. Only by God’s grace, Spurgeon was used by Him mightily. I’m thankful for Spurgeon’s service and praise God forever. As the apostle Paul puts it: “It was not I but God who was working through me by his grace.” Amen!
#ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #CharlesHSpurgeon #PrinceOfPreacher #ChristianBiography
Here are a few other related #1Book1Week reviews:
1) Spurgeon on Leadership (2010) by Larry J. Michael, CLICK HERE
2) C. H. Spurgeon and the Modern Church: Lessons for Today from the ‘Downgrade’ Controversy (1985) by R.J. Sheehan, CLICK HERE
3) Words of Counsel: For All Leaders, Teachers, and Evangelists (Updated 2018) by Charles H. Spurgeon, CLICK HERE
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