C. H.
Spurgeon and the Modern Church: Lessons for Today from the ‘Downgrade’
Controversy (1985) by R. J. Sheehan
I’ve read many biographies
of Charles Haddon Spurgeon and I love this man of God. His faith, zeal and
tenacity are admirable (not to mention his genius and productivity in one
lifetime). He was respected among the Independents, converted under the
Methodists and ministered primary among the Baptists. He holds Calvinistic
beliefs, committed evangelical and nonconformist. He loved the Lord Jesus
Christ and the Scriptures to the core. He was the leading preacher of the 9th
century and one of the greatest preachers of all time… in my opinion.
In summary, let me explain
the background of this controversy: During the last 8th to 9th
century, England and the world was in fluxed by modernism – “the age of reason”
– that penetrated into theological institutions and churches. Human reason was
put primary at the heart of Christian theology. The historicity of Christianity
slowly being attached and denied. Mysterious doctrines such as the Trinity, the
divinity of Jesus Christ, and supernatural events in the Scripture were
dismissed as irrational. Errors were treated lightly and the fundamentals of
the faith were doubly questioned. Thus, it was called the ‘Downgrade’
Controversy. At the end of this book, I concluded that modernism, rationalism
and scepticism were the three major “ism” behind Satan’s evil schemes that
weaken and paralyse the church during that time (How about now?).
While unorthodoxy,
religious tolerance and doctrinal compromises were occurred rampantly in many
churches, and when most evangelicals remained cowardly silent or at best raised
feeble objections, Spurgeon led a courageous attack on the new heretic. At the
time when humanism dominates all the major denominations (especially in the
Baptist Union, where he first warned the leaders), it is necessary for Spurgeon
to stand firm in the faith and defend the truth. He became the “prophetic
voice” of his generation while many ministers kept quiet in the name of
‘unity’. I believe that love and truth must come together. Without love, truth
is cold; without truth, love is empty. Love and truth are essentials to true
unity in Christ. Spurgeon believes this too.
At the heart of the controversy,
Spurgeon called on the preachers – most are practical to all of us Christians
today to take heed – to: #1 Have as their chief end the glorying of God; #2
Have an intense desire to build up the church; #3 Be better men; #4 Get clearer
views of what they believe; #5 Have more faith; #6 Have more love for souls; #7
Have a more thorough spirit of self-sacrifice; #8 Go over the fundamental
truths with their hearers very carefully; #9 Labour distinctly for the
immediate salvation of their hearers; #10 Inculcate with all their might the
practice of holiness; #11 Be careful about the admission of members into the
church; #12 Separate entirely from those likely to cause spiritual injury; #13
Bind themselves together more closely; #14 Remember that past bad times have
been followed by good times; and #15 Make the most of prayer.
In the end, Spurgeon fight
with all of his God-given strength and seem ‘losing’ the battle. He was
misunderstood and rejected even by his own brother. He continued to preach and
write about the ‘Downgrade’ but he did so as a man with few real supporters. He
died with little success (not as preacher of God’s Word but as defender of this
controversy). But for me, his boldness and firmness are forever become my
inspirations to do the same. In my mind – oh, in God’s opinion – he won the
battle! “I have raised my protest in the only complete way by coming forth,”
Spurgeon writes, “and I shall be content to abide alone with the day when the Lord shall
judge the secrets of all hearts.”
Even if you stand alone,

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