Better Than
Before: Mastering the Habits of Our Everyday Lives (2015)
by Gretchen Rubin
by Gretchen Rubin
I think the book can be
summaries in three sentences: #1 "A behaviour becomes a habit when it
no longer requires a decision from you"; #2 "To change a habit
effectively, you need to understand your ‘tendency’"; and #3 "Scheduling is one of the most
effective ways to building better habits".
About the "tendency", Gretchen Rubin divides
people into 4 kind of tendencies:
§ #1 Upholders. Respond readily to both outer expectations and inner
§ #2
Questioners. Question all
expectations, and will meet an expectation only if they believe it’s justified.
§ #3 Obligers. Respond readily to outer expectations but struggle
to meet inner expectations (my friend on the track team).
§ #4 Rebels. Resist all expectations, outer and inner alike. The
Five Big Ideas
I'm more to Questioner and
Rebel, but sometime an Upholder. Identify which tendency am I majoring now is
important for me to understand myself and thus it will affect how I create good
habits and stop bad habits. Gretchen Rubin writing is very interesting: lots of
examples, useful practical advises and the way she presented her researches is
amazing and simple. Here are some of my favourite quotes:
"The biggest waste of time is to do well
something that we need not do at all.”
"I should pursue only those habits that would
make me feel freer and stronger.”
“We won’t make ourselves more creative and productive
by copying other people’s habits, even the habits of geniuses; we must know our
own nature, and what habits serve us best.”
“There's a great satisfaction in knowing that we've
made good use of our days, that we've lived up to our expectations of
“The desire to start something at the 'right' time is
usually just a justification for delay. In almost every case, the best time to
start is now.”
“In the chaos of everyday life, it’s easy to lose
sight of what really matters, and I can use my habits to make sure that my life
reflects my values.”
“How we schedule our days is how we spend our lives.”
“I should make one healthy choice, and then stop
“What saves a man is to take a step. Then another
step. It is always the same step, but you have to take it. —Antoine de
Saint-ExupĂ©ry, Wind, Sand and Stars”
I don't know of any season
in a person's long life when we aren't trying to figure out how to start a new
habit or break the hold of an old one. This book is insightful and inspiring in
getting us there, in my view. There might be a little too much material, but
then again, the bits that helped me and the bits that help another person might
be different... I recommend this book :)

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