Daniel, Man
of God: Being a Man of Character in a Babylon World (retitled, revised, republished 2018) by Dwight L.
Moody. Narrated by Mark Christensen
If you study and read biographies of heroes of faith outside Biblical characters, one of the names that will most probably appear is D. L. Moody (1837-1899). Men of God like Moody, R. A. Torrey, Andrew Murray, A. W. Tozer, John Bunyan, J. I. Packer, etc. are treasures to Christendom. While most Christian leaders (celebrities?) nowadays are light without heat and their books are average; these faithful men through their writings, especially, are used by God to expound and explained the Word of God with deep knowledge and mind on fire. Try reading contemporary Joyce Meyer's God Is Not Mad at You and the classic Jonathan Edward's Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God, you'll see the vast difference of view of the sovereignty of God and the supremacy of Scripture.
Now, let's come back to this book... D. L. Moody wrote with clear and context, simple and Scriptural, powerfully and pleasurable to listen to through audiobook. It wasn't too technical and easy to understand if you're already familiar with the Book of Daniel in the Old Testament. The character and example of Daniel's (and his friends') faith are ever relevant in the modern world. In fact, we need more Daniels in our homes, churches, workplaces and government today. What kind of man he was? Integrity before God and men, uncompromised amid temptation, favor by kings without corruption or duit kopi, God-fearing rather than men-fearing, faultless but not perfect, led by convictions rather than power, spiritual leadership, and more. I feel so small standing on the shoulder of Daniel. I knew my downfalls, inadequacies, and iniquities. This is good, right? As Mr. Moody says, “The voice of sin is loud, but the voice of forgiveness is louder.” Thank God for Christ, the Forgiver. Only by the grace of God, I can imitate - to some extend - Daniel.
To listen/watch this audiobook and more Christian classics, go to Aneko Press YouTube. CLICK HERE 👉 https://youtube.com/c/Anekopress 😊📖⚡ Enjoy!
P.s: I listened to lots of audiobooks and expository preaching. I choose to share a short review of this book so that you can also explore classic Christian books or audiobooks 🔥
#1Book1Week #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeader #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #DLMoody #BookOfDaniel #Audiobook #ClassicBook #ManOfGod
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