God's Words:
Studies of Key Bible Themes (1981) by
J.I. Packer
I read and savor this book from cover to cover except for the index at the end. My first introduction to the late Dr. Packer (1926 - July 2020) is his classic book Knowing God and later his shorter work Freedom, Authority, Scripture. His books are meaty but packed (Packer by name, packed by nature he said), Bible-saturated and not so hard to comprehend although some of the languages can be a bit difficult to understand (one time I'm struggling with the words justification and sanctification, Packer have helped me very much with these subjects).
There are 17 key themes that he covers:
1) Revelation
2) Scripture
3) The Lord
4) The World
5) Sin
6) The Devil
7) Grace
8) The Mediator
9) Reconciliation
10) Faith
11) Justification
12) Regeneration
13) Election
14) Holiness and
15) Mortify
16) Fellowship
17) Death
"Keys open
doors; keywords open mind, and through minds hearts," writes Dr. Packer. "This book takes keywords from the Bible - terms, we may truly
say, from God's own vocabulary - and spells out practically some of the main
thoughts linked with them. The goal is understanding, faith, and wisdom."
Yes, the goal is more or less accomplished in me, thanks Packer! I think due to
his high view of the Scripture, he writes with authority and clarity. He
explains: "Scripture is quite simply
God communicating, God talking, God teaching, God preaching: God telling you -
yes, you, with me and all other Bible-readers and Bible-hearers everywhere -
things about himself which call here and now for faith, worship and obedience;
prayer, praise, and practice; devoting, denying and disciplining ourselves to
serve God; in short, our complete conversion and our total commitment."
Amen! So, this is my last book of the list of this year 2020 #1Book1Week 😊⚡🔥 #ServeToLead
#LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #JIPacker #GodsWord
#BiblicalDoctrines #SystematicTheology
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