The apostle Paul reminds
Timothy: "When you come, be sure to bring the coat I left with Carpus at Troas.
Also, bring my books, and especially my papers" (2 Timothy 4:13).
Do you know that Paul was in the dark, lonely, cold prison? Do you know that
Paul was about to die? Do you know that 2 Timothy is most probably his last
letter? We can consider his needs for a coat since it's cold and maybe winter
was near. But asking for books (scrolls) and papers (parchments) is a bit
puzzling to me. Of course, the books were probably parts of the Old Testament
Scriptures but does he really desire to read and study until the end of his
I also read another crazy man of God, William Tyndale, who also asked a similar request during his imprisonment: "But above all, I entreat and beseech your clemency to be urgent with the Procurer that he would kindly permit me to have my Hebrew Bible, Hebrew Grammar, and Hebrew Dictionary, that I may spend my time with that study." Truth be told, men like Paul and Tyndale are men of action, not just bookworms. But you can see their desire and thirst for knowledge ("of the holy," as A.W. Tozer would put it) and to learn more of Him (through the written Word) even amidst their difficulties. Nowadays, most Christians despise learning and instead are imprisoned by smartphones... which is not a smart move. Learn from the wise, and you will be wise - read solid, real, physical books! 😊⚡📖
Here is my #1Book1Week list for December 2020. If you have read any of these 👇 (or from other lists of the past) and you would like to discuss them with me, just contact me through inbox ya:
1) Ashamed of the Gospel: When the Church Becomes Like the World (3rd Edition, 2010) by John MacArthur. CLICK HERE
2) An Ironside Expository Commentary: 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon (Originally, 1947) by Henry Allen Ironside. CLICK HERE
3) God's Words: Studies of Key Bible Themes (1981) by J.I. Packer. CLICK HERE
4) Daniel, Man of God: Being a Man of Character in a Babylon World (Revised, 2018) by Dwight L. Moody. CLICK HERE
#ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeader #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #JohnMacArthur #HAIronside #JIPacker #DLMoody
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