“This charge I entrust
to you, Timothy, my child, in accordance with the prophecies previously made
about you, that by them you may wage the good warfare, holding faith and a good
(1 Timothy 1:18-19, ESV)
(1 Timothy 1:18-19, ESV)
I can sense Paul’s tenderness
toward Timothy by calling him “my child”
and also his seriousness by telling “this charge I entrust
to you.” Another translation for “entrust” is “commit”
which also means to “deposit,” just
as I would take my life’s savings and entrust them to Maybank for safe keeping. Paul is placing great responsibility on
Timothy by charging him with the Gospel of Jesus Christ. But mind you, Paul
does not do so with stern authoritarianism (though no doubt Paul have authority
over Timothy as apostle) but as a (spiritual) father speaking to the son he
This charge is then
reinforced by “the prophecies previously
made about” Timothy. I’m not sure what were prophesied about him. I think
this is the same reference point to event as in 1 Timothy 4:14, “Do not neglect the gift you have, which was
given you by prophecy when the council of elders laid their hands on you.”
This may refer to some special revelation of the Holy Spirit concerning Timothy’s
call and ministry. Those prophesies, I think, was why Timothy is where he is
now in leadership position. Why Paul need to reminded Timothy about his charge?
Because the Christian life and ministry is a “warfare” in conflict with all the forces of evils.
Perhaps you, a child of
God, reading this article needs to look back to your own “call” to serve the
Son of God. It may be that call was to the ministry or some other phrase of the
Lord’s service. Don’t forget, my friend that God have called you and His Holy
Spirit will guide and empower you. So “be
fearless in your struggle, keeping a firm grip on your faith and on yourself. After
all, this is a fight we’re in” (1 Timothy 1:18b-19a, The Message). Remember your calling...

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