Dear little Richard,
Proverbs 13:20 says, “Whoever walks with
the wise becomes wise, but the companion of fools will suffer harm.”
Remember this Bible verse that I asked you to remember 10 years ago? It’s very
much relevant today as it was yesterday. If
you want to be wise and responsible person, you should hang out most of the time with people who behave
wisely and responsibly. You should realize by now that some friendships will
help make you a better person, while other friendships won’t.
Some friendships help you honour God; these friendships
should be nurtured. It doesn’t matter if your friends are Christians or not –
oh, my Muslim friends back in university were very supportive and even now we
have genuine friendships with one another – whatever friendships that make you
a better person, you should keep it! Oswald Chambers agreed, “A friend is one who makes me do my best.” Vice versa,
other ‘friendships’ place you in
situations where you’re tempted to dishonour God by disobeying His clear
commandments; friendships that dishonour God have the potential to do you great
harm. Because everybody (including you) tends to become like their friends, you
must choose your friends carefully. “Do
you want to be wise?” asked Charles Swindoll, “Choose wise friends.”
Do you want to live a life that is pleasing to God? I
assume you want it passionately. My brother, you must! Go build friendships
that are pleasing to Him. Especially with your Christian friends, remember this
wise advice: “True friends don’t spend
time gazing into each other’s eyes. They show great tenderness toward each
other, but they face in the same direction, toward common projects, interest,
goals, and above all, toward a common Lord [Jesus Christ]” (C.S.
Lewis). Choose friends wisely. If you do, our Heavenly Father will bless you
and your friends with gifts that are simply too numerous to count! Amen.
[P.s: Don’t hang out only with your Christian friends, go and be involve in Christian fellowship, and read the Word daily. Don’t forget to pray too]
send her regards to you,
Your brother,

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