The Measure of A Man (1959) by Martin Luther King, Jr.
Reverend Martin Luther
King, Jr. was first a pastor – man of God – only then he was an activist. Not
the other way round. He was Time Magazine’s Man of the Year for 1963 and
received the Nobel Peace Prize in 1964. This book is not dry essays but lively meditations
that contain the theological roots of his political and social philosophy of
nonviolent activism. Basic to Dr. King’s philosophy is the belief that
meditation and action are inseparable elements of life. If you want to know the
motive or theological background behind his action – oh, may protesters in
Malaysia today think it through before joining or supporting any cause – read
this book!
“The question ‘What is man?’ is one of the most important questions
confronting any generation,” writes King, “The whole political, social, and economic structure of a society is
largely determined by its answer to this pressing question. Indeed, the
conflict which we witness in the world today between totalitarianism and
democracy is at the bottom a conflict over the question ‘What is man?’” Some look upon man as “little
more than an animal.” Then some would “lift man almost to the position of a god.” There are still others
who would “seek to be a little more
realistic about man. They would avoid the extremes of a pessimistic naturalism
and optimistic humanism and seek to combine the truths of both.”
Then King turned to the
Psalmist. He comes forth with an answer to ‘What is man?’ “Thou hast made him a little lower than the angels, and crowned him with
glory and honour” (actually he quoted Psalm 8:5). First, he explained that man is a biological being with a physical
body. He doesn’t stop there, he also said that man is a being of spirit. “This
distinguishes him from the lower animals. And so, somehow, man is in nature,
and yet he is above nature; he is in time, and yet he is above time; he is in
space, and yet he is above space.” But there is another principle that must
go in any doctrine of man, claimed King, “It is the recognition that man is a sinner.”
Because of this we have a conflict with our Holy God, we misused our freedom, we
go to war, we “destroy the values and the
lives that God has given us”, we become selfish and ego, etc. King pleas
with sinners that we may come to God who says, “Come home, I still love you.”
King then turned to the
Apostle John’s vision of New Jerusalem, describing the city: “The length and the breadth and the height of
it are equal” (Revelation 21:16). This is how he interprets this text: that life as it should be and life at its
best is the life that is complete on all sides. And he challenges each of
us to meditate upon and to accept the dimensions of a complete life – the
length of life (the inward concern for one’s welfare), the breadth of life
(the outward concern for the welfare of others), and the height of life (the
upward reach for God).
Rev. Martin concluded, “Love yourself if that means rational,
healthy, and moral self-interest. You are commanded to do that. That is the
length of life. Love your neighbor as you love yourself. You are commanded to
do that. That is the breadth of life. But never forget that there is a first
and even greater commandment, ‘Love the Lord thy God with all thy heart and all
thy soul and all thy mind.’ This is the height of life. And when you do this
you live the complete life.”
This book is simple, but
it is very meaningful and depth in wisdom. I read it twice. Now I understand deeper
why Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a theologian, and pastor involved in political
and social nonviolent activism. This is his philosophy.

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