To know the setting of
this parable, we must know what is a parable (click HERE A Reflection on Mark4:1-2). A parable, in the simplest
meaning, is a simple story drawn from ordinary nature or everyday life which
conveyed spiritual truth. In this instance, Jesus talked about four kinds
of soil to illustrate four kinds of attitudes toward God and His Word. I think
Jesus probably told the parable as He and His followers were looking at the
sight of an actual sower at work on the hills above the lake (4:1). Just my assumption.
Once there was a man who went out to sow grain. As he scattered the seed in the
field, some of it fell along the path, and the birds came and ate it up”
(Mark 4:3-4, GNB). Actually, this parable is self-explain in Mark 4:13-20. The sower is the one who
sows God’s Word. Some people are like the seeds that fall along the path or
hard-packed roadside soil that represents someone with a hardened heart. The Word doesn’t even have a chance to take root –
and as soon as they hear the message, Satan or “the birds” in the form of
temptations, resistances and stubbornness comes and takes or “ate” it away.
“Some of
it fell on rocky ground, where there was little soil. The seeds soon sprouted,
because the soil wasn’t deep. Then, when the sun came up, it burned the young
plants; and because the roots had not grown deep enough, the plants soon dried
up” (Mark 4:5-6).
Some people are like the seeds that fall on rocky ground that represents
someone with a shallow heart. They
hear the Word of course and “receive it gladly.” They will follow the shout ‘Amen’,
‘Halleluiah’, ‘Yes! Yes! Yes!’ and jump up during praise & worship and even
take notes during Bible Study, probably pray speaking in tongue too and always
attend church services and fellowship. I know people like that. But sadly, the
Word doesn’t sink deep into their hearts – only on surface level – and
therefore they are very fragile in faith. So when “the sun” in the form of
trouble or persecution comes, they “dried up” give up at once.
“Some of
the seed fell among thorn bushes, which grew up and choked the plants, and they
didn’t bear grain” (Mark
4:7). Some people are like the seeds sown among the thorn bushes that
represents someone with a crowded heart.
They are no doubt are interested in the Word but the worries about this life,
the love of riches, and all other kinds of desires crowd in and choke the Word.
I know people who always make excuses such as ‘God will understand why I have to go to work but not to church’, ‘It
doesn’t matter if I read the Word or not as long as I’m sincere. Beside I have
many things to do’, ‘I want to be rich! If I get rich I will give more to God’,
‘I don’t want people to think that I’m too religious’ etc. All of these choke
out love for God and His Word and so they “don’t bear fruit.”
“But some
seeds fell in good soil, and the plants sprouted, grew, and bore grain: some
had thirty grains, others sixty, and others one hundred” (Mark 4:8). Some people, very glad to
know, are like seeds sown in good soil that represents someone with a receptive heart, who cultivates an openness
to God and His Word. The Word can grow and “bear fruit” because they not
only hear the Word but also accept it wholeheartedly. They are receptive to God
and His Word. I know that whenever I share the Word at campus fellowships most
people will go back home empty handed (even some of the leaders too) but I trust
and believe that someone in the group – two or three students – are receptive
to the Word and really allow God to speaks and transform them through His Word.
I can see that they will grow into maturity in faith much faster than everyone
As a closing, we must
remember that a farmer “the sower” is NOT
responsible for making the seeds grow into plants. “The sower” is only
responsible for preparing and maintaining the soil. God has endowed “the seed”
with the capacity to grow into a fruitful plant all by itself; “the sower” can
only manage the conditions of the soil. Similarly, as God’s followers – you and
me – are responsible to cultivate the soil in our own hearts. Are we hardened our hearts? or having a
shallow heart? or are our hearts too crowded? or do we have a receptive heart
to God and His Word? (Ask the Holy Spirit to cultivate your heart). We prepare the soil and God will produce unbelievable
“Listen, then, if you
have ears!” (Mark 4:9)
Don’t try to apply this parable to others without
first of all applying it to ourselves.
Think it through, search our own hearts and respond accordingly. God be with you.
Think it through, search our own hearts and respond accordingly. God be with you.

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