“Holy, holy,
holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole
earth is full of
his glory.” (Isaiah 6:3, NIV)
“As I read the Bible, I seem to
find holiness to be His supreme attribute”
(Billy Graham, in Till Armageddon)
“It does not seem proper to speak
of one attribute of God as being more central and fundamental than another; but
if this were permissible, the scriptural emphasis on the holiness of God would
seem to justify its selection” (Louis Berkhof, in Systematic Theology)
“Holiness is the central nature of
the being of God from which such attributes
as love, justice, and
mercy emanate”
(George Allen Turner)
As in Jim Killion’s Set Apart he writes about one man described his observations of the
concept of holiness like this:
“There is a simple yet
profound word which occurs nine hundred times in the Bible. You see it first in
Genesis, as we are told how God created heaven and earth. You see it last in
the closing chapter of Revelation where we are told about God’s creation of a
new heaven and a new earth. But except for a few grand old hymns of the faith,
you do not see this word much today… This word is ‘Holy.’ We get our words ‘saint,’ ‘sanctify,’ and ‘sanctification’
from the same root words. All these term carry the idea of being ‘set apart’….
Just as all the colour of the spectrum come together to form the pure white
light which illuminates our world, so all the attributes of God come together
into His holiness.”
God is holy,
Our God is holy.
My God is holy.
“Holy, holy,
holy is the Lord Almighty; the whole
earth is full of
his glory.”

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