“Don't be drunk with wine, because that will ruin your life.
Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18, NLT)
Instead, be filled with the Holy Spirit” (Ephesians 5:18, NLT)
Bible teacher F.B. Meyer once had a firewood factory that employed prisoners. Meyer would give them a job to do, good wages, a place to live, and, when possible, spiritual encouragement. In exchange, he expected them to render good employment. They didn’t, and he lost money. Finally he fired them all and purchased a circular saw powered by a gas engine. In one hour, it turned out more work than the combine efforts of all the men covered in the course of a whole day.
One day, Meyer had a little conversation with his saw (an imaginary one of course) “How can you turn out so much work?” he asked. “Are you sharper than the saws my men were using? No? Is your blade shinier? No? What then? Better oil or lubrication against the wood?”
The saw’s answer, could it speak, would have been, “I think there is a stronger driving power behind me. Something is working through me with a new force. It is not I, it is the power behind.”
Meyer later observed that many Christians and many ministers are working in the power of the flesh, in the power of their intellect, their energy, their enthusiastic zeal, but with poor effect. We need to become linked to the power of God through the Holy Spirit. It isn’t our efforts for Him that achieve the results; it is the flowing of the Holy Spirit, channeled through our lives, keep us going and bore much results through our works and ministries. Therefore, “be filled with the Holy Spirit.” How? In the name of Jesus, ask God.

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