A man, although extremely wealthy, probably one of the wealthiest men in Sarawak, was very depressed. One day he offered a large sum of money to anyone who would make him happy. He even advertised this offer in all national broadcasts five minutes daily.
It wasn’t long until a young musician artist brought him a Sarawak traditional instrument, sape, to teach him how to play. At first it was intriguing and the rich man was every excited, but after a few days he grew weary of playing it.
Soon another candidate was called in. He had a different plan. He is a master craftsman who is very well-known throughout Kuching area. He put the rich man to work sawing boards, planning them, and making all sorts of interesting things. This lifted his self-esteem and spirits for a while, for crafting is a great lightener of the heart. But the day came when he could think nothing more to build. Probably this is not his thing. So his gloom returned.

William Arthur Ward once wrote: “Real happiness is more of a habit than a goal, more of an attitude than an attainment. It is the companion of cheerfulness, not the creature of circumstances. Happiness is what overtakes us when we forget ourselves, when we learn to open our eyes in optimism and close the door in the face of defeat. We win happiness when we lose ourselves in service to others”

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