Questions: How you spend your free time? What kind of entertainment do you enjoy? Who are your best friends? What do you think about most? How do you spend your money?
Possible answers: Sleeping and ‘lepaking’. Play online games all night long or/and watch MTV non stop. Gossipers and pretenders. Sex, revenge, and power. For myself… yes; me, myself and I.
Your answers might be more positive than what I’ve suggested above [Pardon me, I’m naturally pessimist who want to be more optimist in the near future]. Here is the reason why I ask: your answers to these questions show what your values are. Whatever you consider important, whatever you call useful, whatever you think worthwhile – in short, Jesus says, ‘wherever your treasure is’ – is what you value the most. There is no such thing as ‘Excuse me, I don’t have any values’. That statement is simply not true. You and I have values, either good or bad. That’s it!
Question: therefore, since we all have values, what kind of values do you have? Godly or worldly? You see, the problem comes when we don’t have God’s values but instead, worst, we let the world’s values to shape us. Our values are clear to those around us because what we do (and don’t do), how we spend our time and money (and how we’re not), and what we talk about (and what we didn’t voice out) show exactly what our value most. Let me give a higher example, God. What He does and says in the Scriptures shows what He values most; the glory of the Son, the majesty of the Father, the power of the Holy Spirit and the salvation of mankind.
For your sake (please, I’m not promoting human self-esteem; just want to encourage you), God made you in His own image – that show how much He value you! Your eternal future is so valuable to God that He sacrificed His own Son so that we could live with Him forever. See?! His actions reveal His values. We too, our actions reveal our values. Ronald A. Beer writes, “What you do shows what you really believe – or better yet, who you really believe in. When your actions reveal your belief in God, you open the door for God’s transforming love to break through into the lives of others.”
May I ask these questions again: How you spend your free time? What kind of entertainment do you enjoy? Who are your best friends? What do you think about most? How do you spend your money? WHAT YOU VALUE THE MOST?
May you value God (and the things of God) the most.
Jesus, sir, ma'am, is the Treasure and where your heart should rightly belong.
Jesus, sir, ma'am, is the Treasure and where your heart should rightly belong.

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