Thursday, May 3, 2012

Does your Tongue need Healing?

Does your tongue need healing?” The answer is YES – daily, every hour, minute and second. Our words are like a ‘bomb’ that either explodes into wonderful creations or chaotic ciaos. Tongue, which refers to our speech, is the entrance of life and death. It is imperative to know how it may be healed; heal and live; or leave and die.

Derek Prince (not Joseph Prince!) writes; ‘Let me begin by pointing out something very significant about the way in which the Creator designed the human head. Every one of us has seven openings in our head, the number in Scripture which often denotes completeness. We have three pairs of openings: two eyes, two ears, and two nostrils. But the Creator restricted the seventh opening to one, the mouth.

I have often asked people, ‘How many of you wish you had more than one mouth?’ But I have never met anyone who did. Most of us have all we can do to use mouth properly. This one opening causes us more problems than all the other six together.’

He continue, ‘If you take a Bible concordance and look up all the words related to that one opening such as “mouth,” “tongue,” “lips,” “speech,” “words,” and so on, you will be amazed how much the Bible has to say about this subject, and it is with good reason. There are no areas in our personality more directly related to our total well-being than the mouth and tongue.’

The ancient writer of the Psalms 34 aware of this matter earlier than we all by composed a God-inspired Psalms like this:
Come, my children, listen to me;
I will teach you the fear of the LORD.
Whoever of you loves life and desire to see many good days,
keep your tongue from evil and your lips from speaking lies.

Question: Does your tongue need healing? Yes, a resounding YES! “He who guards his mouth and his tongue keeps himself from calamity.” (Proverbs 21:23NIV) Pray like this;
Lord Jesus, help me to guard my mouth and tongue. Help me to control it and to use it for your glory. Guard my heart from uttering words of annoying, insulting, demeaning and useless - rather help me to use it to encourage, inspire and comfort others. Lord, help me, I surrender. Amen.
 Recommend reading (Click titles to read); 
  1. Week 28: Shut Up! - There's a Time for Everything.
  2.  Week 44: Silence and Solitude - Know your God and Yourself 
  3. The Power of Words
May 2012 FREE Book
I’m giving away ONLY 3 copies of Does your Tongue need Healing? by Derek Prince. If you never receive any book from Motivates4Life before, you are welcome to get a copy for yourself. Do these 2 things:
  1. Comment below “Rich, give me one copy___(Your name) My tongue need healing.”
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  1. Rich, give me one copy, Andrian Ravin, My tongue need healing

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  5. Rich, give me one copy (Siaw Jun Ning) My tongue need healing

  6. If you never receive any book from Motivates4Life before, you are welcome to get a copy for yourself:
    1) Andrian Ravin
    2) Siaw Jun Ning

    Will sent to you all by 15th May :) Enjoy reading!

  7. Rich, give me one copy, Agnes Ngu, My tounge need healing.
    ( if you haven't decided to whom the third book would be given^^ )

  8. 3) Agnes Ngu - You're in!
    [Siaw Jun Ning and Agnes - send ur details to my e-mail or to my inbox FB account. I will use it for book posting purpose ONLY. Thanks]


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