Monday, February 28, 2011

Month of March Free Books

Hi readers,

This month I'm giving away 3 books. 30 days Taming your Stress, 30 days to a Great Attitude, and 30 days to Taming your Tongue. She writes a simple day-to-day easy-to-read books. Everyone will get stress someday, everyone may still posses some bad attitude and everyone could say something nasty over times - these books will give you  the ideas how-to manage it well.  
Get your copy now!!!
How to get this for free?
  • Comment on the column below and write 'Yes, give me ........... (Choose one of the three)!'. 
  • Then send me your mailing (not e-mail) address together with your comment or send it to if you don't want your address to appear on this blog. 
  • to readers in Malaysia ONLY.  
  • Only 3 books available.
  • That's all. Thank you. 
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  1. Hey,Daniel here..remember me??Yes,give me the 30 days to a Great Attitude please?? Would really much appreciate it..check out my blog too..well,i dont think it's as good as yours but i do try my best..have been reading urs..thank u for all the blessings i got from reading it...Continue writing..God bless=)

  2. YESH! gimmeh 30 days to Taming your Tongue please! :)

    50, Lorong Masria 2,
    Taman Bunga Raya,
    53100 Setapak,
    Kuala Lumpur.

    thank you!

  3. Oh ya,forgot to put my address...please mail it to the same address as shaun's as well will ya?? Thank u so much^^

  4. gang,
    yes !!!!!! yay! another book to have ... yes gimme 30 days to taming your stress.... i need dat too much

    priscilla andrew
    ** psssst do u still keep my address? **

  5. Hi guys and girl,
    Daniel - 30 days to a Great Attitude
    Shaun - 30 days to Taming your Tongue
    Priscilla - 30 days to taming your stress
    Richard - Will send it in 30 days :P

    Thank you very much.
    P.s: Daniel and Shaun, I'll send it with Shaun's name and can I get ur phone no? Pris, I have yours. :)

  6. Yes Daniel, I read your blog on how u overcome challenges in life with much faithful to God. It was encouraging. Tho I didn't remember it was under which title. :)
    Thank you for writing about hope in Jesus.

  7. daniel's blog is this:

    who's phone number? mine or his? perhaps we email it to you will be better?

  8. Thanks Richard...both for the encouragement and the book/s..haha..Yea,shaun can send my number to ur email as well..

    God bless^^

  9. Yea,got it too..thanks a lot Richard!!^^ God bless you =)


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