Monday, February 21, 2011

Part 1 BE Ladies: Knowing your Role

Every girls dream is BIG. Some of us want to be a princess or the pink power rangers because both are popular characters everywhere in books or television channels . Then maybe in the middle of primary school level, we change it into an ambition, maybe to be a teacher or a nurse because both job’s descriptions are easy to understand.

As waves of transformation inflicted deep inside teenagers spirit, we tend to go for sometime more creative and cool such as dreaming to become a singer or a dancer or an interior designer. None of these dreams is wrong because I myself has weird dream when I was a little kid such as - stuck in a mall for a night to enjoy all the clothes, the perfume and make friends with all the ‘’dumb doll’’. (influenced by a movie called Life Size where one of the ‘dumb doll’ turned to be a real human, she just look stunning, anyway, she is Tyra Bank)

However, no everyone ever thought or dream of being a lady when they were small because most of the girls think of future as career, marriage or love but not growth in attitude.

Here are the practical way to understand the femininity standard.

1. Knowing your Role
The book of Genesis has clarify how God created man and woman. In the book of God’s first story, its portraying the first ever manhood and womanhood. Men and women were created separately but its with equality. God created Eve from Adam and brought her to Adam to became his HELPER in the task. She was made to complement, nourish and help her husband (Genesis 2:18). This doesn’t minimize a woman’s role but it does defines.

Ladies need to understand and respect their role towards the Men. The respect does not only blesses the man in our life but it also to glorify God's calling. God's created us differently and but it is equally to the woman to voices out their ideas and be the encourager to the man.

Be noted. It is not only applicable when we the ladies are looking for the 'MAN' but is it also suitable to guide us to treat our other male friends. Treat them as your brother if you want them to respect you as how they respect their own sister. Never put a title until you are ready for constant growth and transformation in the waves of relationship.
This is a 4 parts series note. 

Priscilla Andrew is from Miri, Sarawak. She's a daddy girl, so we might assume that she's quite a tough young lady. She loves to quote, ''Look at the world with your heart not with your head'' Writing on Being a Woman doesn't mean she's there already, this is a long term process. But along the way; she's learning and that's when this note come into written words.

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