Thursday, February 17, 2011

Hidden Investment, Big Return.

Few years back, when I was growing up, my family didn’t have much financially. Watching my parents struggle to make a living. It becomes an eye opener for me to start developed a burning desire to prosper and help others prosper as well. I did experience the living. Let me tell you something, prosperity do not only deal with our finances but every single area of our lives. Again, every area of our lives. It is not how much money do you have now is counted, but how do you appreciate and utilize it is counted.

Couple of years ago when I was first started in real estate business, it was totally challenged me especially in financially. Trusting God and stay believing that the time will come is the only thing I have .That was and is my rule number one. Friends, whatever the status of your financial today, let me tell you from what I have experienced along the journey, God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by Christ Jesus.(Philippians 4:19). 
He knows your needs, He knows your circumstances. So, why worries? Just trust.

Trust is a commitment”...

And, people tends to live in freedom, expect the greatest financial waved ever, and yet one thing in common, we tend to honor God with our secondfruits of our all crops. It means, after we counted ours, then God’s. I didn’t mean, if only you pay God, then God will give you. His riches is beyond your thinking anyway. But, this is a movement of obedience towards Him. You bet, honor Him with your firstfruits, the result shall supply according to his riches to you

I still remember, at one time when I was in financial depressed for period of times, during the morning church, I was started to argue to give or not for the offering. At last, I decided to give the whole in faith, and, you know what? God is always good to His people. He blessed beyond of my thought. (*This is not a multilevel Christian marketing).I just wants to share how God works along my journey with Him. He is the best I ever had.
Get up. This is the time for you to arise .This is the time for you to activate your faith. The time for you to activate your trust to the God that we call upon in the day of trouble, will definitely deliver you. I do believe your hidden investment to God, by trusting God and stay believing and honor Him with your firstfruits will make a difference in your life. You will experience the excitement of faith. 2 Corinthians 5:7. God’s timing always perfect.

God bless.


 About the writer:
Albert R. Macewell work as a Senior Property Executive at Borneo Real Estate in Kuching, Malaysia. Graduate with Degree in Marketing. He is not an expert (yet), but his insight is valuable. His motto: "I DO BELIEVE THAT,EVERYONE CAN SUCCEED.IF ONLY HE/SHE HAVE DECIDED TO COMMIT." Best Blogger Tips

1 comment:

  1. "God is always good to His people. He blessed beyond of my thought. (*This is not a multilevel Christian marketing)" Like this one! :D Go go bert!


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