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The Spirit-Filled Life: Restoring A Biblical Understanding
and Experience of the Holy Spirit (1895, 2019) by John MacNeil
If I want to listen to or read Bible-saturated Christian classics, the first place I go is the Aneko Press website and YouTube. So many good titles, sound authors, and the best is - it’s free! Although it's an old book, the heart of MacNeil’s message is timeless. Aneko Press has done a good job of updating and revising it. This book can be scary to read because it sometimes emphasized heavily the teaching of ‘inner life’ like that of Andrew Murray’s books. In fact, he, Murray, and others were parts of the controversial Higher Life Movement. If not careful, it will make you feel spiritually inferior. But with prayerful reading and Scripture meditating, your eyes will be open to how much God desire for His children to be filled with the Holy Spirit - and to know Him. “The fullness of the Holy Spirit,” writes MacNeil, “is the birthright of every believer.”
The author begins this book by quoting Acts 19:1-2, “Now it happened that while Apollos was in Corinth, Paul passed through the upper country and came to Ephesus, and found some disciples. He said to them, ‘Did you receive the Holy Spirit when you believed?’ And they said to him, ‘On the contrary, we have not even heard if there is a Holy Spirit.’” MacNeil comments on this situation, “Many - oh, so many - of God’s dear children are living on the wrong side of Pentecost, living on the same plane as that on which the disciples were living before they were filled with the Holy Spirit, and thus by their lives they practically make the sad confession, ‘We did not so much as hear whether the Holy Spirit was given or whether there is any Holy Spirit.’” Indeed, this is a sad confession. I have said it before too. Chapter 3: A Command to Be Obeyed; Chapter 4: Something Different from the New Birth; Chapter 7: The Time Between Regenerating and Filling; and Chapter 8: Other Words for Being Filled With the Spirit; are very helpful chapters to understand the distinction between being filled with the Spirit from being born (again) of the Spirit. The Scripture examples and passages that MacNeil used to support his writings are very persuasive. Don’t take it all at face value, of course, but do consider it seriously.
We need to continually be filled with the Holy Spirit (Ephesians 5:18). I find that if I don’t, my spiritual life will be dry. There were times when I preached the Word of God, it was all rhetoric but no power. Bones with no skins. iPhone 13 software with short battery life. At one-third of the book, MacNeil gave a very valuable reminder: “[Be] on guard against desiring such an important blessing from wrong motives. We must seek it for the one supreme reason - the glory of God. If self is at the root of our motives at all, God will most surely block our way to fullness of blessing... there is a need for the refining fire to go through our hearts. God must be Alpha and Omega in the matter. ‘For God’s glory, and for God’s glory alone’ must be our motto as we proceed with our search for the fullness of the Spirit.” Amen. Read it!
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