A Survey of Bible Doctrine (1972) by Charles Caldwell Ryrie
When I found this book, there were no covers. I have to make these blue covers by myself 😁 Most seminarian students (I'm not one) and Bible students (I'm one) know or at least have heard about Charles Ryrie (1925–2016). His life and books have influenced many people like Charles Swindoll and John MacArthur. The critical ones will remember him as a dispensationalist only; the learners, however, as a theologian first. Nobody, including me, will agree with everything he writes and teaches. But nobody can deny his contribution of making the written Word of God accessible and understandable through his writings and teachings.
"God intended you to understand what the Bible teaches," encourage Ryrie in the introduction, "This does not mean that you will comprehend all its truths at first reading or even in a lifetime, but it does mean that you can expect to learn a great deal. God used language which He meant to be taken as normally and plainly as the words in this book. So take it that way and assume He means what He said. When a problem arises, look at it again and remember too that God has promised that the Holy Spirit will also help you to understand His truth (John 16:13; 1 Corinthians 2:12)." Before I ever understand that 'normally and plainly' or 'literal interpretation' of the Bible is synonymous with 'dispensationalism' (false assumption), I already believe that, unless otherwise, the Bible MUST be interpreted literally. And so, as I read this book, I have little disagreements (so far) and am very much pleased by his simple but thoughtful interpretation of the Scripture. Keep in mind though that men of God like Ryrie are not infallible and it is idolatry to expect one redeemed-sinner to know it all. Plus, my knowledge is still limited. In fact, my disagreements might be due to my faulty beliefs and ignorance. I'm glad I'm not yet arrived. By God's grace, I'm still growing 🙏 At the end of the day, we must examine everything with and by the Scripture. Sola Scriptura.
1) What Is God Like?
2) Is the Bible Inspired?
3) Jesus Christ the Lord
4) The Holy Spirit
5) The World of Angels
6) The Nature of Man
7) Christ's Salvation
8) What Is the Church?
9) What Does the Future Hold?
To go in-depth, read his later works such as Basic Theology and The Ryrie Study Bible 😊💪⚡ #1Book1Week #ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain #CharlesRyrie #BibleDoctrine
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