The first level
is you need to be convinced that reading books - actual books - is important
for personal growth, to gain specialized knowledge, for leisure & enjoyment
and simply to be different ("Hello,
I'm a TikToker, you?"; "Hi, I'm a reader. Reading is proven to
improve your cognitive development. Try it!"). Then, you have to go to
the next level, namely, not just reading books but reading GOOD books with
purpose and intentionality.
I use to read dozens of novels and nonsense, random, trivial books. But soon I realized that I'm not growing mentally and spiritually as I want to be. Instead, I'm emotionally attached to the characters in the fictional stories (the romantic heroes in Nicholas Spark's world or the masculine military soldiers in James Rollins' adventure). Of course, there are good novels out there like John Bunyan's theological-fiction Pilgrim Progress but - very rare. If you want to be a man of God or a woman of faith reading Harry Potter or Games of Throne is a poor choice.
My advice? Don't give up on novels (just reduce it drastically) but raise up your awareness and priorities in life. You need books that can help you to be grounded in reality, that can strengthen your convictions, that can challenge your preconceived beliefs, that can inspire you to be a better man or woman, that can guide you in your career or vocation and that can divert your attention, like John the Baptist, to see the God of the Bible. This is what I mean by GOOD books 😊 As Christ-follower, I have to say this strongly, it is a sin if you spent more time on a novel (or any book as a matter of fact) than in the written Word of God. If your goal is to read one book this year, then, choose The Bible. It is the words that "comes from the mouth of God" (Matthew 4:4) - The GOOD Book 📖 #LeadersAreReaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
Btw, here is my #1Book1Week list for January 2021 👇
- A Survey of Bible Doctrine (1972) by Charles Caldwell Ryrie
- Christian Beliefs: 20 Basics Every Christian Should Know (2005) by Wayne Grudem
- The People's Bible: The Remarkable History of the King James Version (2010) by Alec Motyer
- William Carey: Pioneer Missionary (this edition 2000) by E.A. Annett
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