As I read late Billy
Graham’s Just As I Am (1997)
autobiography, I’m encouraged by his wife, Ruth Bell, for her life, support,
and works in the Billy Graham
Evangelistic Association ministry. About Ruth, Billy writes, “God gave Ruth many, many gifts, one of which
was writing.” I agree. In this series, I try to imagine (one of God’s
greatest gifts to humankind) what would Ruth Bell says to encourage young man
like me – and perhaps, you. I hope you enjoy it!
My dearest son, Richard,
About the previous letter, I wrote about prayer… and let
me continue with that theme here. A balance. As you know, my child, men of God
whose prayers are recorded for us in the Scriptures, never read a book on
prayer, never went to a seminar on prayer, never heard a sermon on prayer. They just prayed. Satan fears
prayer because God hears prayer. Satan will stop at nothing to distract a person
from praying or to get us to postpone praying or, failing to do that, to
discourage us in our prayers.
This letter is simply to
encourage you to START. Start praying
where you are, as you are, about whatever concerns you, about whatever is lying
most heavily on your heart, about whatever is irritating or frustrating you at
present. Here is my suggestion: Keep a
prayer list. Make your requests specific and date them. Then date the
answer. Like the ungrateful lepers, we tend to forget. It may be impossible to
date the answers to certain requests. For instance, if I pray for patience, I will
not find that on such and such a date I suddenly become patient. But if I pray
for guidance in a particular problem, for the conversion of a friend or for the
resolving of some apparently hopeless difficulty, recording the answer as well
as the request will be a cause for worship and a means of strengthening my
You may not likely to keep
a prayer list, I know you. But let this be an encouragement for you to just START praying. Be pointed. Be persistent.
Be patient. But pray!
With love,
Ruth Bell Graham
(1920 – 2007)

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