Dear Annabel,
You asked uncle, ‘It
is okay to still laugh and have fun?’ Well of course! :) My prayer and wish
are for you to be cheerful again. Divorce
is not the end of your life, it’s just the beginning of a new and different
chapter. Laughter and fun are great stress relievers and having fun with
your friends can help you deal with what’s going on. Don’t feel guilty if you
are having a good time even when your parents are not. Being miserable will not
make it any easier for you or for them. Someone once said: “Some people think that it’s holding on that
makes one strong; sometimes it’s letting go.”
Right now, you might still be in shock and you’re not as
happy as you want to. But like what uncle already told you in the past, it won’t
always be this way. As time goes by you will find it easier to accept your
parents’ divorce and the changes it brings. You may even discover some
unexpected positives. I discovered that my parents are happier after the divorce.
I get along better with both of my parents when they separated with each other.
I know this might sound weird but coping
with divorce can also bring out your strength and maturity. You will become more responsible, independent and thoughtful.
I know you will because I see great potentials in you to make a different in other’s
lives. You also will become better problem-solvers, better listeners (you can empathize
other better) and even better friends. You will be amazed that you can make it
through this difficult situation successfully. So be patient. Let others
support you and enjoy the good things in life. Be courageous. Be compassionate.
Be dependence on God.
uncle and your aunty are here for you. We always support you. You’re our daughter.
I pray you the absolute best as you go through this tough time. You’re not alone.
I foresee that you will look back and say, “Wow!
That was tough, but I did it. Praise God!”
Laugh more,

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