“God continued speaking to Abraham, ‘And Sarai your wife: Don’t call her Sarai any longer; call her Sarah.
I’ll bless her—yes! I’ll give you a son by her! Oh, how I’ll bless her! Nations
will come from her; kings of nations will come from her.’ Abraham fell flat
on his face. And then he laughed, thinking, ‘Can a hundred-year-old man father a son? And can Sarah, at ninety
years, have a baby?’ Recovering, Abraham said to God, ‘Oh, keep Ishmael alive and well before you!’ But God said, ‘That’s not what I mean. Your wife, Sarah,
will have a baby, a son. Name him Isaac (Laughter). I’ll establish my covenant
with him and his descendants, a covenant that lasts forever’”
(Genesis 17:15-19, The Message)
(Genesis 17:15-19, The Message)
Sarai was 90 year-old when
God gave her a fresh start. No longer would she be known by the old Babylonian
name she had been born with. From Genesis 17 onward, she would be called
“Sarah” – Princess – and she, like her husband (Abram, previously renamed as
Abraham), would be the mother of nations. Name is so important. It represent
who we are, our origin. Good name is crucial for a new identity. Abraham and
Sarah’s names are God’s prophesy of what they would become.
I’m thinking of Abraham…
how his faith were stretched… he had been called upon to believe some wild
things (Up-In-The-Sky-Kind-of-Promises!) over the previous 30 years. But the thought of his 90 year-old wife
would “give you a son” was too
much. Too impossible for him – and probably too stress – that he laughed!
Abraham being Abraham, he gave God a suggestion, a solution: “Oh, keep Ishmael alive and well before you!”
What he meant was, “Lord, why couldn’t
Ismael, be the son of the promise? Let him be!” Perhaps Abraham truly love
Ishmael. Perhaps Abraham sick of waiting. Perhaps he felt bad for the boy
Ishmael, son with the servant woman Hagar. Illegitimate or not, he was till
Abram’s flesh and blood.
Let me reason for Abraham…
Hey, Ishmael, his son, was already there. Why wait? I think it is quite awesome
if God were to make a great nation out of Ishmael (in fact, God does it). But
to imagine an as-yet-unborn son of a 90 year-old woman? To me and Abraham… that
was impossible to imagine...
About two thousand years
later, God did the same impossible promise. Elderly Elizabeth who were barren
bore a son, John the Baptist and Mary, a virgin, bore child Jesus the Messiah
(read Luke 1 and 2). Both were
impossible cases, but as Gabriel, the archangel said, “Nothing,
you see, is impossible with God” (Luke 1:37, Msg). God had His own
plans, His plans will come to past. He is in the business of impossible. “That’s not what I mean,” God insisted, “Your wife, Sarah, will have a baby, a son.”
God was doing something utterly new to Abraham. In the end, Sarah gave birth to
a son named Isaac (read Genesis 21).
When God plans to do something, something great
Hold fast to His promises, He keep His promises,
Remember: “Nothing, you
see, is impossible with God”

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