Letters to Home: Young Malaysians Write Back! (2016)
edited by Ooi Kok Hin, Aish Kumar & Nik Mohamed Rashid Nik Zurin
edited by Ooi Kok Hin, Aish Kumar & Nik Mohamed Rashid Nik Zurin
I seldom read books by
local writers. I plead guilty. It turned out I’m very impressed by this book.
24 universities, 7 countries and 1 hope, hope for Malaysia. “The voices and issues discussed reflect the
diversity you’d expect to encounter in any modern and plural society such as
Malaysia,” writes Ooi Kok Hin, one of editors. “You will find stories and essays about nasi lemak and the brain drain,
JPA scholarship and Malaysia Airlines, politics and economics, welfare and
ideology, immigration and refugees, cynical Malaysian and idealist Malaysian,
interracial marriage and financial literacy, and even heaven and hell.”
0) Introduction
1) Sakuras Are Beautiful,
But Nasi Lemak Is Better (by Azalia Zaharuddin)
2) Separating Ketuanan
Melayu and Affirmative Action (by Fikri Fisal)
3) Investing Without
Returns (by Ng Jung Kian)
4) The Good, the Bad, and
the Ugly (by Aish Kumar)
5) Semantics and the
Voters Psyche (by Zaryff Razali)
6) Pendatang (by Tan Heang
7) The Global Competition
for Talent Between the United States and Malaysia (by Billy Hoo)
8) I’d Love to Get to Know
You Better. Wanna Go Out and Have a Chat? (by Nurul Ismawi)
9) To All Malaysians,
Welcome Home (by Ooi Kok Hin)
10) Do Not Ignore the
National Language (by David Lim)
11) Are We Doing Enough to
Protect Our Environment? (by Rexy Prakash)
12) Chasing Heaven,
Finding Hell (by Tharmelinggem Pillai)
13) One Teh Tarik, One
Nasi Lemak (by Abdul Rahman Shah)
14) The Change From
Within: A Kelab UMNO with Non-Malays (by Shamil Norshidi)
15) Our Disabling Attitude
Towards Malaysian with Disabilities (by Shahir Shukor)
16) To Intermarry Or Not
to Intermarry? (by Benedict Weerasena)
17) Imperialist
Linguistics: Why My Language is Better than Yours (by Nik Mohamed Rashid Nik
18) Of Reading Books and
Money (by Achmad Bakhtiar M Yuni)
19) Dear Typical Malaysian
(by Justin Lim Jia Tian)
20) Us Rude Malaysians!
(by Sarah Syahirah binti Abdullah)
21) Curbing the Mahasiswa,
Creating the Pelajar (Fikri Fisal)
22) The Great White North:
Things You Might Not Know About America’s 52nd State (by Nizhan Faraz Risal and
Eddy Arief Zulkifly)
23) A Walk In Kelantan (by
Asyraf Muiz Roslan)
24) I Work Hard but Still
Get Less (by Hasbullah Faudzi)
25) I Can Only Hope (by
Ian Chew)
26) A Letter to My
Students (by Izzat Adha)
27) Leaving the Orphanage:
An Adventure Upon the Coming of Age (by Puteri Eleni Megat Osman)
28) Nasi Goreng Kampung
vs. Nasi Goreng USA (by Mohamad Syazwan Abdul Rahman)
29) It Takes All Kinds to
Make a Nasi Kerabu: Celebrating Diversity in Harmony (by Mohd Izzuddin Ramli)
By favourites are chapters
#1, #2, #5, #6, #8, #9 (most dear to Sarawakians, especially), #10, #11, #12,
#16, #20 and #26. I recommend this book for students, staff worker,
politicians, and for those who care about Malaysia – and what others think
about it :) [P.s: Kamu boleh jumpa buku ini di Popular dan MPH Bookstores.
Berharga RM20.00 je]

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