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Jesus told passage below to his disciples |
have heard the law that says, ‘A man can divorce his wife by merely giving her
a written notice of divorce.’ But I say that a man who divorces his wife,
unless she has been faithful, causes her to commit adultery. You have also
heard that our ancestors were told, ‘You must not break your vows; you must
carry out the vows you make to the LORD.’ But I say, do not make any vows!...
Just say a simple, ‘Yes, I will,’ or ‘No, I won’t.’ Anything beyond this is
from the evil one.
You have heard the law that says the punishment must match
the injury: ‘An eye for an eye, and a tooth for a tooth.’ But I say, do not
resist an evil person! If someone slaps you on the right cheek, offer the other
cheek also… You have heard the law that says, ‘Love your neighbour’ and hate
your enemy. But I say, love your enemies! Pray for those who persecute you! In
that way, you will be acting as true children of your Father in heaven. For he
gives his sunlight to both the evil and the good, and he sends rain on the just
and the unjust alike.”
(Matthew 5:31-34, 37-39, 43-45, NLT).
(Matthew 5:31-34, 37-39, 43-45, NLT).
Three times in passage
above I read of Jesus stating, “You have heard
the law that says.” In each case, Jesus repeated the common
understanding of one of God’s laws and then showed how it had been distorted by
widespread misinterpretation. The laws for divorce had gradually been reshaped
into a freewheeling policy in which men could obtain divorce on a whim. In
other settings (see Matthew 19:1-9), Jesus referred to the origin of marriage
in the Garden and the designed lifelong nature of the relationship. Marriage,
like everything else in creation, was marred by the fall of humanity. While stating what the law allowed due to
the sins of people, Jesus still maintained the value of commitment in marriage.
Although unfaithfulness might be a reason for a divorce, the damage of adultery
also could be repaired with genuine repentance, forgiveness, and
A person’s plainspoken
“yes” or “no” ought to be as dependable as any elaborate vow. If someone can’t depend on our word, a vow
does not increase our integrity. Jesus also rejected the idea that offenses
of any kind must be retaliated. He showed his followers a radical alternative:
going the second mile, turning the other cheek, loving one’s enemies. The idea
of loving enemies goes against common sense. Jesus knew that common sense may cause us to respond contrary to God’s
heart in a matter.
Think about this: Jesus
must have had a twinkle in his eye when he pointed out that God “sends rain on the just and the unjust alike,”
thereby sparing a lot of us from a good deal of embarrassment. Few of us can
escape the reality of today’s passage (passage above). Jesus exposes the raw
edge of many lives. His words uncover what we might try to keep hidden. Do this
– Before the Lord, examine yourself to
see if you have applying the law to the lives of others while exempting
yourself from God’s call to deep personal integrity.
Thank Lord Jesus for his continual mercy,
and ask for his power to heal your own attitudes and
Reference: Life Application Study Bible Devotional:
Daily Wisdom from the Life of Jesus (Tynadale House Publishers, Inc.,

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