The 10 Commandments and You
Bible Example
Modern Example
You shall love the LORD your God |
1. You shall have no other Gods before me.
The Exodus
Exodus 34:11-14 |
Put God first!
Today a “god” may be anything a person allows to rule his daily life: deities
of other religions, superstitions, horoscopes, bad habits or addictions,
friends, heroes, desire for money, fame or power.
2. You shall not make for yourself an idol.
Golden Calf
Exodus 32:1-8
Put your faith
in God only. Worshipping or serving any man-made thing that is thought to
have supernatural power: statues of gods of other religions, crystals,
pictures, jewellery, amulets, charms, rabbit’s foot, or objects thought to have
power or “good luck.”
3. You shall not misuse the name of the LORD your God.
Don’t use God’s name in a false oath.
Leviticus 19:12
Treat God’s name
with respect. Don’t use God’s name lightly in making promises or in any
other way. This is the name that raised people from the dead, caused blind to
see, and made the paralyzed to walk. It is a powerful name and needs to be
used with the right attitude.
4. Remember the Sabbath day by keeping it holy.
God provides enough on the sixth day for the seventh.
Exodus 16:23-30
In Jesus’ time, very religious people obeyed this
commandment by refusing to do any kind of work – even to the point of not
helping people in need. Jesus said that Sabbath was made for man’s benefit. People should rest from their normal
work, but also be available to do well to others. Today Christians set
aside the day to worship God and meet with other Christians.
Love your neighbour as yourself |
5. Honour your father and your mother so that you may
live long in the land the LORD your God is giving you.
Jesus was obedient to Mary and Joseph.
Luke 2:51
Treat your
parents with respect no matter what. You parents have made many sacrifices
to raise you. They have changed diapers, lost sleep, bought food, toys and
clothes, paid doctor bills and changed their schedules to help you. Even if
you don’t get along with your parents, they deserve your gratitude. If your
parents ask you to do something wrong, respectfully tell them no and suggest
a good alternative that they might consider.
6. You shall not murder.
Each person is made in God’s image.
Genesis 9:6
Personal revenge
belongs to God. God will make things right in the end. God has set up
governments and rules to deal with murders. Life and death are in God’s
hands. Examples: no revenge killing, murder, suicide, abortion or euthanasia
(mercy killing). Jesus said we should love our enemies and pray for them.
7. You shall not commit adultery.
Joseph runs from temptation.
Genesis 39:1-13
Stay true to
your husband or wife. Marriage vows made before God should be kept in
spite of difficulties. Sex only within marriage relationship. No rape or
incest. Avoid sexual temptation: provocative videos, movies, television,
magazines, computer games or programs, pictures and books. Jesus said that
even thinking about another person lustfully is wrong.
8. You shall not steal.
Achan steals.
Joshua 6:17-19
Joshua 7:1-5 |
Respect other’s
possessions. Don’t take things that don’t belong to you. Examples:
shoplifting (taking candy, toys, or anything from a store), taking money or
valuables from others, cheating on tests and taxes, photocopying music or any
printed material without permission.
9. You shall not bear false witness against your
Honesty toward neighbours.
Leviticus 19:13 |
Be trustworthy.
Don’t falsely accuse or blame someone else. Don’t lie about them or to them.
Don’t gossip. Don’t lie to God and to yourself by believing you are perfect.
Keep your promises.
10. You shall not covet… anything that belongs to your
Life is more than possessions.
Ecclesiastes 5:9-18; 6;12
Be content with
what you have. Don’t long for things that belong to others. Examples:
their house, car, job, bike, toys, jewellery, clothing, or friends. Ask God
to give you what you need. He promises that He will take care of your needs!
Seek wisdom and good character, not riches.
Taken from: Rose
Book of Bible Charts, Maps & Time Lines (Torrance, California: Rose
Publishing, Inc., 2005) pg. 57
Reproduce online for free by: Richard Angelus, blogger,
Reproduce online for free by: Richard Angelus, blogger,

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