Students had been asking
me questions about Islam. I know some general teachings and beliefs about Islam
but I don’t know how to answer students if they ask in-depth questions about
Islamic theology. I don’t think most Muslims know either (same goes with majority
Christians on Biblical theology). I once heard how a Muslim scholar twisted
Christian teachings, and how a Christian talked out of his ignorance about
Islam. I find telling myself that, I
don’t want to do that damage to other religions like that. I don’t want to twist and misinterpret
Islam teachings. If I don’t know, I don’t know. If I know, I should give some
evidences and study the subject first before giving my response.
So I read some books on
Islam by notable scholars and teachers. Local and international. One of the books
that I like is Islam Explained by Shaik
Kadir (Marshall Cavendish Ltd: Singapore, 2006) – simple and concise. Most
popular question students asked me is about the Freedom of Religion, especially in Malaysia. Honestly, in general,
Islam teachings about this subject in Malaysia is very confusing (Whenever
political-agenda-religious-minded leaders speaks, don’t listen to them). One
attitude and ideology stating that Islam is a religion of sword, while majority
modest believers says it is a religion of peace. Which one is true? I personally think it’s how people interpret their fundamental beliefs in their religion.
What the Al-Quran and Hadith says?
Shaik Kadir, what is your
respond? He writes:
“Since the Prophet
[Muhammad]’s time, people were and are attracted to Islam because of its
uniqueness, beauty, rationality, universality and dynamism.
Another notable
characteristics of Islam that makes it attractive to people is the freedom to
belief, and this is mentioned in the Quran. God says: “There is no compulsion
in the faith,” because “The right way is clearly distinct from error” (2:256).
The Quran adds: “If it had been your Lord’s Will, they would have believed –
all who are on earth!” (10:99). But God did not make every human being a
believer without choice. God made man special, endowing him with superior intelligence.
As man can think and make
choices, the Prophet was not allowed by God to compel people to become Muslims
(10:99). Instead, God commanded the Prophet to call people to Islam with wisdom
and kindness. God says: “(O Muhammad!) Invite (people) to the way of your Lord
with wisdom and beautiful preaching, and reason with them in ways that are best
and most gracious” (16:125).
As Islam is a religion
established by the Prophet himself (and not one formulated ages after the
founder’s death), the Prophet sent letters to rulers of his neighbouring
countries inviting them to Islam, but no one was forced to it as he had closed
followed the instructions of the Quran not to compel people into it. Therefore,
in the course of his 23 years of Apostolic mission, the Prophet did not compel
anyone to accept Islam against his own free will, not even his own uncle and
guardian, Abu Talib, who was never formally converted to Islam.
God advised the Prophet to
tell those with other religions, thus: “You have your faith and I have my
faith” (109:6). However, as a comprehensive and completed Religion of God for
mankind, Muslims are requested to pass the Message of Islam to others,
believers and non-believers, so that they will not hold Islam in contempt. The
Islamic method of Islam-sharing is: “Invite (people) to the way of your Lord
with wisdom” (16:125). This is an invitation taught by God Himself. It is a
gracious and intellectual way of inviting people to understand Islam – by
wisdom” (page 144-145).
Freedom of religion in Islam – What do you think?
Or freedom of religion in Malaysia – What is your
Have this in mind: I want to understand, not argument.

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