I like what I read in John
Piper’s Let the Nation be Glad!, he
writes, “I think the reason [little explicit teaching in the New Testament
about corporate worship] is found in the way Jesus treated worship in his life
and teaching… consider a few other things he said. For example, his attitude
toward the temple, the main place of Jewish worship, was not at all what the
Jewish leaders thought it should be.
When he wove a whip and
drove out the moneychangers, he said he did so not for the sake of proper
sacrifices but for the sake of prayer – in fact, prayer for all
the nations. “My house shall be
called a house of prayer for all the nations” (Mark 11:17). In other
words, he focused attention away from the outward acts of Jewish sacrifices to
the personal act of communion with God
for all peoples.
Then he said two other
things about the temple that pointed to a radically altered view of worship. He
said, “Something greater than the
temple is here,” referring to himself (Matthew 12:6), and, “Destroy this temple, and in three days I will raise it up”
(John 12:6). This attitude toward the temple got not only him killed (Mark
14:58; 15:29) but also Stephen (Acts 6:14). That’s how important it was.
Jesus identified himself as the true temple. “Something is greater
than the temple is here.” In himself he would fulfil everything the temple stood for,
especially the “place” where
believers meet God. He diverted attention away from worship as a localised
activity with outward forms and pointed toward a personal, spiritual experience
with himself at the centre. Worship does
not have to have a building, a priesthood, and a sacrificial system. It has to have the risen Jesus.”
Yes, Jesus is the true temple.
Jesus is the centre.
Worship the Risen Jesus.

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