“This book UnChristian is very disturbing to me. I
fully realized that this book is about Christianity in America today but it
seems like what happen (or whatever happened) to American Christians there is a
reflection of what will happen to any Christians in the world today if we are
not alert and wake up from our spiritual slumberness. As if I’m reading the
reality of Christianity in Malaysia today. The data and contents, even opinions
and wisdoms, of the authors have been formed by research, not vague feelings or
hunches. I want to recommend this book to Christians first, though it is also
written for outsiders too. The research findings in this book are a solid
reminder that Jesus not only commands us to joyfully loving God but also to
loving other people. Though we may be
good at preaching grace, we have not been characterized as a gracious people.
This is fact. God helps us.”
(Richard Angelus)
UnChristian: What a New Generation Really Thinks
about Christianity …and Why It Matters
by David Kinnaman and Gabe
Lyons (Baker Books: Grand Rapids, 2007)
Christianity has an image problem. Christians are supposed to represent Christ to the
world. But according to the latest report card, something has gone terribly
wrong. Using descriptions like “hypocritical,”
“insensitive,” and “judgmental,” young Americans share an
impression of Christians that's nothing short of . . . unChristian.
Groundbreaking research
into the perceptions of people aged 16-29 reveals that Christians have taken
several giant steps backward in one of their most important assignments. The
surprising details of the study, commissioned by the Fermi Project and conducted by The
Barna Group, are presented with uncompromising honesty in unChristian. Find out why these negative
perceptions exist, learn how to reverse them in a Christ-like manner, and
discover practical examples of how Christians can positively contribute to
Get Your Hard Cover Copy of UnChristian for FREE
this month of March 2015: Free Monthly
Book, I would like to offer three copies of this book to anyone who are
interested and concern about whatever happen to Christianity today and what you
can do about it. All you have to do are; comment below “I want to read this book because…” (no less than 10
words), E-mail me your name, phone no. and postal address for me sends the
book. This offer is available until 30th March 2015.

hi richard, I want to read this book because i want to know what this generation think about Christianity and how I can best serve the people Biblical and with knowledge :) thanks
ReplyDeleteI want to read this book because the christianity has taken a different light nowadays, in this fast-moving generation with an access to broad information. People are getting connected worldwide, many perspectives are emerging and this definitely is getting into the mind of the world, unconsciously the people's mind towards the things happening around us. so how far has the changes taken place? could it be that the way people (religious & unreligious) act & react towards "religions" has some collective influence going on around the world? well... even if it's American, but it's a good case study right?
ReplyDeleteThank you, richard *blink blink*
adris, hehe...