Little things – the tone
of your voice, the body language, and the words you use as you write or speak
in everyday life – communicate volumes about you: your thoughts and the
intentions of your heart. If you always talk nonsense and rubbishy on Facebook for example, (sometimes, can be
excuse) then it shows the low quality of your mind and morality. If you post
uplifting and thoughtful notes, inspirational quotes, and even somewhat
honest-with-self-control comments, it shows the genuineness of your faith and signs
of maturity. Every little things we do
shows who we are.
Let me give another
example. Do little things, like a slight
change in our facial expression, really matter? Humans don’t suddenly hide
their face like turtle or change colours like chameleons. Our true reactions
are seen in more obvious expressions, tone of voice and body language. I read
this amazing finding: We can recognise someone’s facial expression in less than
1/6 of a second. What’s more, we can process expressions from as far as 90
meters away. Amazing!
How can we do this? We pay
attention. We are attuned to facial expressions as indicator of what someone is
thinking. Because we (at least I do) think facial expressions are important, we
pay attention to them. Because we pay attention to facial expressions, we react
to them. Because we react, facial expressions become important to our
communication. When my girlfriend asked me if I like to join her for Zumba session
once in a while, my reply was “Maybe next time” I know that was she paying
attention not only to what I say but also to other messages I was
communicating. She know that I was saying “No” in a very polite way.
These little things that
you do – what kind of books are you reading, what kind of friends you always
hang out with, what kind of language are you using to communicate with others,
how do you witness (or not witness) Christ to the world, how you say ‘I love
you’ to your love ones, how you treat patients in the hospital or strangers
when they enter the church – communicate volume about you. Truly, little things have big meanings. Little
things in life do shows who we really are.
Take note of the little
things you do. Does it really matter? Oh yeah, the Scripture says, “Whether, then, you eat or drink or whatever you do, do all to the
glory of God” (1 Corinthians 10:31) and “Whatever you do or say, do it as a representative of the Lord Jesus”
(Colossians 3:17). For God, every little things His children is
doing or saying or thinking does matter!

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