We simply cannot communicate with others unless we
learn how to use plain language. Something
definitely lacking in our ability to communicate if what we says cannot be
understood by a child (I still have this difficulty though). Now this may sound
ridiculous, but is it true. In my early years as a Christian staff worker, I discovered
that the effectiveness of my Bible Study with students was directly related to
how simple I could make complicated, hard teachings easy to understand (or at
least help them to think systematically about it).
The burden of holding someone’s
attention, whether it be an audience or individual, falls on us. And no one will pay attention to what they
don’t understand. I observe that many passionate first-time urban Christians
when they go to rural area for mission trip cannot communicate with those on a lower knowledge level because they have never
learned or been taught how to make Bible teachings simple enough. If someone fails
to understand us, it does not necessarily mean that they are stupid or
rebellious. More than likely, we have not explained our point clearly or simply
enough. Not being simplistic but plain and simple.
Read the Gospel’s stories and
you’ll noticed that Jesus doesn’t communicate the truths in a King James’s language, He talked in
plain language – the contemporary language of the people. He speaks great truths
in everyday language and parables. Let’s learn lesson from Jesus and use simple
stories, demonstrations, parables and examples to convey what we mean, what God
mean. In communicating Biblical truths we must rely on the Holy Sprit to open
people’s hearts and their mind’s eyes to accept and understand the truth. But it
doesn’t mean that we’re not responsible on how they received it. We must, by
all cost, learn to use plain language so that people can genuinely respond to
Jesus’ work on the Cross and says, “My Lord and my
God” (John 20:28).

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