Actually, this series is from Understanding Bible Truth booklets by Robert Hicks and Richard Bewes (1981), but I have expanded some texts for modern readers (to make it easier to read) and added Scripture quotes (I’m using ESV Bible) into these writings to clarify its points more clearly. My purpose of making this series available in the internet is single: So that you can be clear the essential facts about the Bible’s teaching in a readily understandable form.
What does it mean by “Application”?
Application here means apply what you read. If there’s a good example, follow it. If there’s warning, heed it. If there’s a command, obey it. If there’s a promise, believe it. The Bible is meant to change the way in which we live. As we apply the Bible, God instructs, supports, cleanses and directs us in our daily lives. When I read it, I want to be informed and at the same time be transformed by the Word of God.
There are essential 6 ways to apply the Bible in your life:
Read Prayerfully
The Bible is not (just) an interesting book to read, it is a book in which to get involved. It deals with issues that vitally concern the reader’s life, character and destiny. To read the Bible after begin with a prayer (Matthew 7:7-8) is a safeguard against hardness or pride – it also shows that the reader is willing to submit to God’s moral direction. The Psalmist pray, “Teach me, O LORD, the way of your statutes and I will keep it to the end. Give me understanding, that I may keep your law and observe it with my whole heart” (119:33-34).
Listen Personally
The Bible is not a book of abstract philosophy – it is a book about life and about people in real situations. For example, prophet Isaiah spoke specifically to the people of Jerusalem. The apostle Paul often greeted friends by name in his letters. The book of Revelation was written to Christians who were suffering persecution.
But we must go on to say that the Bible’s rewards and promises are for every reader, of whatever century. In Revelation 1:3, Jesus said, “Blessed is the one who reads aloud the words of this prophecy, and blessed are those who hear, and who keep what is written in it, for the time is near”. As we open our lives to the Bible’s message, we can expect God to communicate with us.
Look Expectantly
The Lord said to Jeremiah, “Is not my word like fire, declares the LORD, and like a hammer that breaks the rock in pieces?” (23:29). As we read the Bible, we will be surprised and even shocked by some of the events that act as warnings within its pages. There will be other passages that challenge or puzzle us. We must expect to be stretched to the limit of our capacity by this book.
Apply Regularly
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When we read and apply the Bible regularly, one of the great benefits is that we start to see the world in a Christ’s perspective. We also see the Bible as a whole, and not as unconnected fragments. As young children need a regular diet for proper growth, so the Christian needs to feed spiritually upon the Scriptures, “meditates [the law of the LORD] day and night” (Psalms 1:2) and applying their truths to daily living. As a result, our characters are transformed.
Act obediently
The Christian will repeatedly be confronted with the Bible’s commands. The Bible challenges us to obey God’s Word, and not only to listen to it. Jesus said that it is not enough merely to hear His words (Matthew 7:24-27). It is only when we hear and obey that our lives are like a house build on rock – safe and secure. James says, “Be doer of the word and not hearers only” (1:22).
Read Totally
The Bible reader should aim at a full and balanced appreciation of all that the Bible may teach on any given topic. To rely on individual verses or on favorites selected passages (valuable though these are) will not lead us to spiritual maturity. As we persist in reading the Bible thoroughly, worship becomes a living force, Christ becomes a daily companion and our work for God comes as an outgrowth of a full and meaningful relationship (3 years or 1 year Bible reading plan is good for you to follow to get an overview of what the Bible is all about. If you want a copy of this plan, write a comment below and I’ll send you a copy of it ya).
My conclusion about the Bible “Its Application”
The Bible is a living Book because the ultimate Author is the Living God Himself. Martin Luther writes, “The Bible is alive, it speaks to me; it has feet, it runs after me; it has hands, it lays hold of me”. In another way, he says that the Bible is organic and active not a static and boring book. We got to know the Bible in our mind. We go to stow it in our heart. We got to show it in our lives. We got to sow it in the world. Yes, by the power of the Holy Spirit that moves within us – we are able to apply and live by the Word daily.
Read the Bible completely like a love letter,
Consult it constantly like a road map,
Study it carefully like a lesson book, and
Obey it conscientiously like an army order.

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