“Don’t fail to discipline your
children; they won’t die if you spank them.
Physical discipline may well save them from death” (Proverbs 23:13NLT)
Physical discipline may well save them from death” (Proverbs 23:13NLT)
“Don’t be afraid to correct your
young ones; a spanking won’t kill them.
A good spanking, in fact, might save them from something worse than death”
(The Message)
A good spanking, in fact, might save them from something worse than death”
(The Message)
Today, I astonish whenever I see parents did not
discipline their children for misbehaves. Shout without action. Patience
without correction. Love without discipline.
No wonder children nowadays are spoiled, rebellious as they grow up and
disrespect their own parents. I don’t need to be a parent to know the basic
need to discipline a child – the Bible is full of God’s commands to do so.
Harold J. Sala writes in his book Raising Godly Kids, “Does the Bible
differentiate between discipline and punishment? Yes, clearly it does. The word
paideias, usually translated ‘to discipline’ in the New Testament, is much
different from the word mastigoi, which means ‘to strike, hit or wound’.
Mastigoi was used of Jesus Christ when He was scourged by the Roman soldiers.
Paideias, which was also translated ‘to instruct or give guidance to’, was used
of a father’s guidance of his son, or even an instructor’s correction of a
I urge parents to discipline (paideias) their
children not to punish (mastigoi) them. Child’s
needs correction not closed-eyes
treatment. It’s not because they had done wrong – though they are – but
because there are certain things shouldn’t be allowed because the Word of God
said so. Anger generates punishment but love, if you love your children,
generates discipline. By doing this, parents remain in control. And children, nowadays need parents who are
in control of the family. Discipline is both necessary and effective – parents
should know that! [P.s: They are many way
to discipline a child aside from physical discipline.]
In the Bible, God
disciplines those whom He loves. Hebrew 12:10-11 says, “God’s
discipline is always good for us, so that we might share in his holiness. No
discipline is enjoyable while it is happening—it’s painful! But afterward there
will be a peaceful harvest of right living for those who are trained in this
way”. In the same way, the godly parents are to discipline their
children with love just like our Father in Heaven.
“Those who spare the rod of
discipline hate their children.
Those who love their children care enough to
discipline them”
(Proverbs 13:24NLT).

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