God spoke – and the heavens were formed. God spoke – and the Red Sea parted so the Israelites could escape from slavery. God spoke – and Jesus Christ rose from the dead. God spoke – and Saul, the hate-filled persecutor, was converted and became Paul the apostle. Yes, there is power in the Word of God. “When I quote the words of the Bible in my preaching,” writes Billy Graham (The Journey, published by Thomas Nelson, 2006), “I know that the Holy Spirit will take those words and supernaturally use them to bring conviction and new life to others.” I know too that when I study the Bible or prepared myself for sharing in campuses, on my own – God will use it to change me.
As it affects my life, I am able to witness His Word to others effectively through His divine guidance. Hey, He can do the same for you!
THINK BIG. God spoke – and it was written: The Bible
START SMALL. Go read and study His Word.
GO DEEP. The Word of God has the power to change our life.

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