What a valuable scene it was!
In Malaysia, we might have been of different races or denominations or even cultures – but we all have something in common that overcome every human barrier, that is: We belonged to Christ. God, our God, has people almost everywhere, even in the most unlikely places… We may be far away from each other but we are spiritually united because of our faith in Jesus Christ.
The fact is: we come to God as individuals – we must each make our own personal commitment to Christ. We cannot depend on our parents’ faith or on other testimonies or on our church membership (but no doubt, this is important though). We must each decide personally whether or not we will trust and follow Christ as our Lord and Savior. That’s personal. Another fact: In God’s eyes we are also part of a group; we aren’t only individual believers. This group is the Body of Christ. “His body, the church” (Colossians 1:24GNB)
You are not alone; you belong to a group of Christ’s people. Therefore, solitary Christian is a contradiction because we each are part of a larger whole. There is no individualistic in Christianity – we are one body – His body. It is not healthy when Christians refuse to have anything to do with their fellow Christians. It is not healthy if we always quarrel with each other or to hate one another and thus try to solitude ourselves from the body. We are to remain united. Yes, for our testimony for Christ, for our witness to others and for the image that we project for the world to see, especially to our lovely country Malaysia. We are not alone; we are one body – we belonged to Christ. Remember that!
Be united as One to ‘love the Lord your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind’ (Matthew 22:37GNB) so that it will overflow to others around us as we also practise to ‘love your neighbor as you love yourself’ (.39). You are not alone, remember that readers.
*one of students Christian organization in Malaysia

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