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I Am N: Inspiring Stories of Christians Facing Islamic Extremists (2016, audiobook 6 Hours 12 minutes) by The Voice of the Martyrs |
Most Christians in Borneo - Sarawak and Sabah - are very comfortable. We are too relaxed and have no sense of urgency. Lukewarm, soft, and dying. We tend to forget that Christian persecution is a very real thing for many people throughout the world, even our brothers and sisters in peninsular Malaysia. It's easy to get comfortable in a place that has fairly freedom of religion and little social stigma for believing in the Lord Jesus. We experience some persecution, yes, but it's nothing compared to others in closed countries. Read books, reports, stories, and videos about Christian martyrs and missions - and God's Word daily - to be awakened from spiritual sleep and ignite the passion to share the Gospel with the lost souls.
"I Am N" by VOM is one of the books that I recommend you to read and reflect on (if you're interested to read an ebook and listen to the audiobook, please let me know). What does "N" stands for? In northern Iraq, radical Muslims (ISIS) spray-painted the Arabic letter ن or “N,” on the homes and businesses of Christians. "N" represents the followers of Jesus of "N"azareth. They were then publicly exposed as Jesus-followers and offered the option to become Muslims a.k.a. convert to Islam, leave their home, or die. Over 100,000 brave believers left with little more than the clothing on their backs because they would not compromise their faith. This book is therefore a compilation of real stories of "N" around the world. You'll read about the stories of sacrifice, courage, joy, perseverance, forgiveness, and faithfulness. You may (as I do) get angry, sad, and mad at first, and then filled with joy, love, gratitude, and compassion, and be moved to pray. It's bitter and sweet.
We need to recognize these persecuted followers of Jesus as our brothers and sisters in the family of God and embrace them in that intimate unity: “Remember those who are in prison, as though in prison with them, and those who are mistreated, since you also are in the body” (Hebrews 13:3). We will not be silenced. Write up, speak up, and pray up!
#ServeToLead #LeadersAreReaders #PersecutedChurch #Discipleship #JesusTheLord #FamilyOfGod #TheVoiceOfTheMartyrs #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
To read my other book reviews/summaries, CLICK HERE

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