Whenever someone asked me, "Is Jesus the only way to salvation?" my answer is, "Yes." Jesus said, "I am the Way, and the Truth, and the Life. No one comes to the Father except through Me" (John 14:6). It's not a way or one of the ways but "the Way" and He emphasized on exclusivity, "No one... except through Me." But what about those who have never heard about Jesus and the Gospel? My initial response is that, except for children and the mentally deficient who are covered by the blood of Jesus, everyone is morally responsible for the light that they have received and for the law written on their hearts through nature, tradition, and conscience (refer to Romans 1-2). So, even if they never heard about Jesus once in their lifetime, on judgment day, they will have no excuse. As for what will happen to them, I say, we can be certain that the God who exhibits His love on the cross will be absolutely fair and that the righteous Judge of all the earth will do right!
Now, where do I get a such conviction? Through the written Word of God, the Scripture, and with the help of books such as this one, that is, by divine revelation (mainly) and critical thinking. I'm all for originality but when it comes to eternal matters, I go to the Author of life and His (flawed yet faithful) saints. J. Oswald Sanders writes this book with compassion, conviction, and clarity. He cares for souls and set out his Biblical position clearly by quoting relevant Scriptural passages with context and supporting them with thoughts from recognized evangelical scholars. He begins not by answering the question directly but first and foremost, with the urgent call of mission and evangelism. Chapter 1: Why Mission? I love it! If you read books on an important topic like this one only out of curiosity, then, it is of no use. But if it's also out of concern for others, then, it will move you to action. This book is a great tool to do just that.
"If what is written in the foregoing pages is the Scriptural teaching concerning the spiritual condition of the unevangelized heathen - and I see no alternative to believing that it is - then how URGENT is our obligation to make Christ known to all men as speedily as possible. We should throw ourselves into the missionary enterprise with abandon," challenge Mr. Sanders to us, the receivers of God's gracious salvation. A student once asked Charles H. Spurgeon about this very same topic. He answered him very directly, "It is more a question with me whether we who have the Gospel and fail to give it to those who are lost can be saved." Amen.
Note: I would like to recommend another short book that covers this topic but from a different theological perspective (a.k.a. Calvinism), namely, John Piper's Jesus The Only Way to God: Must You Hear the Gospel to Be Saved? (2010)
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