When I was having a crisis of faith a few years ago, I pressure myself to make one of the most important decisions in my life: If Jesus Christ and Christianity are false, I must leave everything that I believe and quit as a full-time worker (with my skills and talents, I can fairly earn more money!); but if He is truly God, Lord, and Saviour, then, I must give up everything, commit and follow Him and preach the Word for the rest of my earthly life (with humility, I will be His joyful-slave). I read lots of books on Christianity, against Christianity, other religions, atheism and - the Bible - and pray with even little faith that I have at that time and sometimes with zero feelings. To cut the story short, after about 4-6 months (I'm not sure exactly when the doubt appears) of struggling, the living God of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob, the Father of our Lord Jesus Christ, increases my faith even more than before. Somehow, without God-speaks-to-me-audibly, the joy of knowing Christ is flooding in my heart as I read the Gospel of Matthew. There and then, with no moon-splitting miracle but perhaps what I perceived as the work of the Holy Spirit's illumination and assurance, only by grace, I returned home to Him. In fact, He already runs toward me and is ready to embrace me. While I was "still a long way off, [The Father] saw [me] and was filled with compassion for [me]; he ran to [me], threw his arms around [me] and kissed [me]" (Luke 15:20, bracket mine]. I was lost and now was found. So, when I saw the title of this book on YouTube - Total Commitment to Christ - I immediately found and read the ebook and listened to the audiobook. This book (or booklet, to be exact) is a good reminder of why I'm called to commit and follow Christ until today. I recommend this book to you, for, what's the use of being a nominal, passionless and powerless Christian? We are either cold or hot, no in-between! A.W. Tozer, who is called a 20th-century prophet (not the kind of OT or NT prophet, but his writings were deemed as 'prophetic.' I think we should avoid the charismatic idea of a prophet altogether): "Christ is preeminent. He is above all things, underneath all things, outside of all things, and inside of all things. As the old bishop said, 'He is above all things, but not pushed up; He is beneath all things, holding it all up; He is outside all things, embracing it all; and He is inside all things, filling it all.' Our relation to Him is all that really matters. A true Christian faith is an attachment – a devotion – to the person of Christ. The attachment of the individual person to Jesus Christ is intellectual, volitional, exclusive, and irrevocable." Are you committed to Christ? Take up your cross and follow Him (Matthew 16:24) #ServeToLead #PreachTheWord #LeadersAreReaders #GrowingLeaders #LetsMakeReadingCoolAgain
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