“As far as God was concerned, the Earth had become a sewer; there
was violence everywhere. God took one look and saw how bad it was, everyone
corrupt and corrupting—life itself corrupt to the core. God said to Noah, ‘It’s all over. It’s the end of the human
race. The violence is everywhere; I’m making a clean sweep. Build yourself a
ship from teakwood. Make rooms in it. Coat it with pitch inside and out… I’m
going to bring a flood on the Earth that will destroy everything alive under
Heaven. Total destruction. But I’m going to establish a covenant with you:
You’ll board the ship, and your sons, your wife and your sons’ wives will come
on board with you.”
(Genesis 6:11-14, 17-18, The Message)
(Genesis 6:11-14, 17-18, The Message)
Many Sunday school tend to
treat Noah’s flood as children’s story. Cute. The ark floats atop the rising
waters, a smiling giraffe poking its head through the upper window hole. But
the story of the Flood is a story of God’s wrath. Not a cute event, but a disastrous
God’s wrath is not an easy
or pleasant thing to contemplate. But it expresses itself throughout the Bible –
the New and Old Testament. God’s wrath
is part of God’s love, not the opposite. In human level, if you love
someone, you know how your anger burns against anything that would harm that
person. “God’s wrath,” as my colleague
once said, “Is reserved for that which
seeks to destroy the people he loves.” Sin destroys lives, relationships, and
happiness. The anger of God is the anger of surgeons who cut away cancers
rather than see them consume their victims.
In Genesis 6, what I learned
is this: God pours out His wrath by finally giving people what they want
(if you read 2 Thessalonians 2:11, you won’t be too puzzled. See also people’s
hard heartedness in John 12:37). The people of Noah’s time wanted to live
beyond God’s grace, without God. So God finally lifted His retraining hand –
the hand that restrained the floodwaters. In the end, the people got exactly
what they wanted, and it was the end of them. Sad.

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