“During the 40
days after [Jesus’] crucifixion he appeared to the apostles from time to time,
actually alive, and proved to them in many ways that it was really he himself
they were seeing. And on these occasions he talked to them about the Kingdom of
(Acts 1:3, The Living Bible)
(Acts 1:3, The Living Bible)
Since Jesus is the Son of
God, it would be quite unbelievable that if anyone said that He remained in the
grave. We can be sure that Jesus did rise from the dead because there are many
witnesses who saw Him during forty days after He had risen and before He went
back to heaven. Some of these men, for example, Matthew, John and Peter have
written books which tells us about Jesus rising from the dead (In 1 Corinthians
15:6, “[Jesus] was seen by more than five
hundred Christian brothers at one time”). The Bible is our external
witness, the Holy Spirit is our internal witness that Jesus is alive!
Before Jesus went back to
heaven, He commanded His disciples “not to leave
Jerusalem until the Holy Spirit came upon them in fulfilment of the Father’s
promise” (Acts 1:4, see also Luke 24:49). I’m thinking, maybe the
disciples at this time wanted to go back home and get to work with their
fishing nets again. Or maybe they wanted to start right out and tell everybody
about the Lord Jesus, how He had died for our sins and rose again (I might to
this). In fact, Jesus had already told them to go into all the world and preach
the gospel to everyone, everywhere (Mark 16:15). But the time for this had not
yet come, and so He tells them to WAIT
for a while. Key word here is WAIT.
The disciples surely know about the Father’s promise [theologically], but they
don’t know how or in what way the Holy Spirit would come upon them
[practically]. So they need to WAIT.
Sometimes we want to do something for the Lord in a hurry before the right time
comes, but we should do what and when He wants us to do it. So WAIT.
Then Jesus promised them
the most wonderful of all gifts: “[You] shall be
baptized in the Holy Spirit in just a few days” (1:5). He said that
although they could not know when the Kingdom of God would fully come to earth
(for the Kingdom of God is here already but not yet), yet they would receive in
a few days’ time the Spirit of God to abide with them forever! Jesus said, “[When] the Holy Spirit has come upon you, you will
receive power to testify about me with great effect, to the people in
Jerusalem, throughout Judea, in Samaria, and to the ends of the earth, about my
death and resurrection” (1:8). The disciples obeyed the command of
the Lord here. And so, if you read Book
of Acts chapter 1-7, they witnessed in the city of Jerusalem; chapter 8-12,
they witnessed in the land of Judea and Samaria; and after that, chapter 13-28,
they preached everywhere!
I would like to recommend,
after you read the Book of Acts by
Luke (maybe read the Gospel of Luke
first), read Foxe’s Book of Martyrs
by John Foxe. This book shows that the word of Jesus in verse 8 was fulfilled
and are being fulfilled day by day. I’m excited that the Book of Acts is not finish yet, for we all have great parts in
fulfilling Matthew 28:18-20, Mark 16:15-18 and Acts 1:8 in this world. Remember:
Jesus is alive, we are His witnesses;
the Kingdom of God is here, we preach the Good News; the Holy Spirit is with
and in us, now go!

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