“A Force in the Earth: The
Charismatic Renewal and World Evangelism” (1989)
by David Shibley
This book is re-subtitled
to “The Move of the Holy Spirit in World Evangelization” (1997). First thing I have
to say is that it is a passionate and challenging book which point readers the
way forward for charismatic Christians in mobilizing for world mission. “World
evangelization can never be accomplished by charismatics alone,” writes
Shibley, “Neither can it be accomplished without us.” The author are focusing
on the charismatic movement, evangelism and mission to the world. C. Peter Wagner,
founder of New Apostolic Reformation, recommend Shibley as a charismatic milieu
but he “does not say that to win the world you should be like us or do it our
way. Instead he says that noncharismatics will not do it well without
charismatics; neither will charismatics do it well without noncharismatics.”
In Jesus’ ministry and in
the ministries of the early disciples, some kind of “power encounter” often
verified their Spirit-anointed gospel proclamation. What is power encounter? It is “a visible, practical demonstration that
Jesus is more powerful than the false gods or spirits worshiped or feared by a
people group.” For examples, the author showed that Jesus saw miracles or power
encounters in Matthew 11:4-5 as the verifying credentials of His ministry;
Philip was not only preaching Christ but also doing a deliverance ministry and
miracles so that people were not only hear, but they “hearing and seeing” the
gospel (Acts 8:5-8); and Paul most of the time not only preached the Word but
also “in word and deed” and “signs and wonders” (Rome 15:18-21). Shibley rightly observed that in missionary
strategy, evangelicals have emphasized proclamation (Word), the mainline
denominations have stressed the social implication of the gospel (Work), and
the Pentecostals and charismatics have given high profile to signs and wonders
(Spirit). We all must employ all three!
Basically I like this
book, but not without my evangelical theology biases. Shibley sometimes can be
too optimist that may – in my opinion – pushing too much on the Word to fit the
charismatic doctrines, especially in the area of prophesies. For example, he
believes that the task of Great Commission will be completed by A.D. 2000. Now
is 2016! Nevertheless, since I’m living in Sarawak where the population of
Christian is almost 50% and mostly are charismatics, I find that this book is
helpful in so many way. I see it as a positive calling of unity among the
Evangelical and Charismatic churches in the world missions.
[P.s: This book remind me
of David Pawson’s “Word and Spirit Together: Uniting Charismatics and
Evangelicals.” To be honest, I think that Pawson have greater points that
Shibley. And I also would like to recommend two books by John MacArthur on
issues against (troublesome) Charismatic movements, namely, “Charismatic Chaos”
(1992) and “Strange Fire” (2013)]

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