“God showed how much
he loved us by sending his one and only Son [Jesus Christ] into the world so
that we might have eternal life through him. This is real love – not that we
loved God, but that he loved us and sent his Son as a sacrifice to take away our
(1 John 4:9-10,
The Apostle John reminds
us here about the fact that “God is love”
(1 John 4:7) is not based on some theory or idea which someone thought up. Instead,
God put love into action and demonstrated His love for us by giving us the very
best gift of all – the gift of His “one and only Son,
Jesus Christ.” Why? “So that we might
have eternal life through him.” And the gift was not given because
people are so great and deserve such a gift. In fact, God not only held nothing
back and gave the best He had but He gave it to a world full of people who
really do not deserve such love. The Apostle Paul summarizes it very well: “[God] showed his great love for us by sending Christ to die for us
while we were still sinners” (Romans 5:8).
Let’s try to make this
truth more practical. Think of something you have that is your most prized
possession. Is it a special shirt or blouse? A smartphone? A car? A savings
account? Or what? Now think of people you know who are really hard to love or
at least hard to like. They are either bullies or obnoxious – the kind who have
very few friends. Imagine that you decide to give your prized possession to
those persons, even though they do not deserve such a gift. And you really do
not have to give it! But you give it anyway and don’t expect anything in
return. Now, would that be hard for you to do? I know what might happen to me:
I would think too much, I might change my mind a few times, and get angry. I might
come up with a less valuable gift and then maybe give it away somewhat
reluctantly… and then… expect at least equal value in return.
But God is not like that.
God could be mean and angry, One who does nothing but scream and punish. But we
know that our God loves and cares, accepts, and listens. God gives
love and eternal life. What a difference! God not only loves us but He provides
us with a way that we can live with and close to Him, that is through the
death of Jesus who gave His life because of our sins. Jesus came “to be the propitiation [that is, the atoning sacrifice, and the
satisfying offering] for our sins [fulfilling God’s requirement for justice against
sin and placating His wrath]” (1 John 4:10, Amplified Bible). God is great!
What is even more amazing
is that God gives us the free will to decide if we want to be close to Him or
not. Again, God could have made us robots who had no minds and could make
no choices. But instead, He lets us decide what is most important in our lives,
and if we want to accept this great gift from Him. Whatever our choice is, God
knows. Jesus knows. Regardless, this truth remains true: not that we love Jesus, but that he loved us first. How do you want to
respond to His amazing love? Read 1 John letter one more time.

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