An intriguing verse is
found in 1 Thessalonians 4:16, “For the Lord Himself will descend from heaven with
a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God. And the
dead in Christ will rise first.”
Have you ever wondered
what that command will be? It will be the inaugural word of heaven. It will be
the first audible message most have heard from God. It will be the word which
closes one age and opens a new one.
I think I know what the
command will be. I could very well be wrong, but I think the command which puts
an end to the pains of the earth and initiates the joys of heaven will be two
words: “No
The King of kings will
raise His pierced hand and proclaim, “No more.”
The angels will stand and
the Father will speak, “No more.”
Every person who lives and
who ever lived will turn toward the sky and hear God announce, “No more.”
No more loneliness. No more tears. No more death. No
more sadness. No more crying. No more pain.
As John (the apostle) sat
on the Island of Patmos surrounded by sea and separated from friends he dreamt
of the day when God would say, “No more.” This same disciple who had
heard Jesus speak these words of assurance over half a century before now knew
what they meant. I wonder if he could hear the voice of Jesus in his memory. “The end will
For those who live for
this world, that’s bad news. But for those who live for the world to come, it’s
an encouraging promise. You’re on a land mine, my friend, and it’s only a matter
of time: “In the world you will have
tribulation…” Next time you are tossed into a river as you ride
the rapids of life, remember his words of assurance.
Those who endure will be
saved. The Gospel will be preached. The end will come.
You can count on it.
[From And the Angels Were Silent by Max Lucado]

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