“For we live by believing and not by seeing” (2 Corinthians 5:7, NLT).
“When we cannot trace God’s hand we can trust His heart”
(Charles H. Spurgeon)
A father, seeing three small children playing atop a high fence, feared that they would fall, and so he cried,
“Come, jump into my arms!”
Two of them promptly did so. The other hesitated. Why did the third child reach more slowly? The father explained,
“The first two obeyed immediately because they were my own children. They knew me and therefore trusted me.”
So, too, those who truly know and love the Lord never resist His good leading.
So I go on not knowing,
I would not if I might;
I’d rather walk with God in the dark
Than to walk alone in the light;
I had rather walk with Him by faith
Than to walk alone by sight.

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