A woman is a person who, if she says to a man, “Never mind, I’ll do it myself,” and lets her, gets mad.
A man is a person who, if a woman says to him, “Never mind, I’ll do it myself,” and he lets her and she get mad, he says, “Now what are you mad about?”
A woman is a person who, if she says to a man, “Never mind, I’ll do it myself,” and he lets her, and she gets mad and he says, “Now what are you mad about?” says, “If you don’t know, I’m not going to tell you.”
In GENERAL (I’m taking risk here); Woman is complicated. Man is too-simple. (Actually, Woman is not complicated. Man is insensitive… ouch!) Woman loves to play riddles. Man takes it for words. Woman gets mad at something she thought man knew. Man gets mad because he really doesn’t know. Woman loves romantic man. Man loves her beauty… and so on, etc.
No matter what, we are the same but difference. Learn to understand one another. Compromise each other weaknesses, and celebrate each other strengths. Pardon me, I myself is still learning and making a progress in my own relationship, but I’m convinced that: you can’t have a strong and matured relationship unless you understand and accept that God made men and women different, and that this is a good thing. We shouldn’t try to get rid of the God-given differences between men and women, but instead learn to understand them, accept them, and even grow to truly appreciate them.
THINK BIG We are the same – we’re human being created in the image of God. We are different – we’re unique being created by Creative-God. START SMALL thus, learn (meaning, it takes time) to understand, to accept, and even to grow to truly appreciate one another. GO DEEP Recognize that relationship is not a destination, but a path and on-going process.

No doubt that woman gets mad at something she thought man knew and man gets mad because he really doesn't know. There are many factors that influenced this situation to be happen in a relationship. For instance, woman put a smile on her face but actually she's crying silently in her heart. Some how I would say that man cannot see this if he look by his eyes... Maybe true man are insensitive but I rather say that man should see woman through his heart; only then the relationship going well! :D