Along the way driving (I’m a co-driver actually) from Bintulu to Mukah for our Christian ministry trips, this verse kept echoed in my mind. It was my reading few days ago, oh I remember its sound quite well; “This command I am giving to you today is not too difficult for you to understand or perform.” (Deuteronomy 30:11NLT) This verse came out from Moses’ long series of sermons to the new generation that was emerging from the wilderness march. He keeps telling them about the central importance of obedience and stresses holiness as the way of life. Few chapters before the end of the book, he said, rather, he declared under God’s authority that God’s instruction “is not too difficult for you to understand or perform.” He was like saying, ‘God command what we’re able to obey.’

My Daily Walk Bible notes say, “God’s will for you is not a heavenly fog; it is a down-to-earth reality you can understand.” Yes! As we drive our way to Mukah, we just keep our eyes on the many signboards… you’ll never lost! Read the word of God, behold, you’ll find God’s will… but you know what? The most precious of all – you’ll hear God’s Voice speaks to you personally. My last words: Read the word of God. Read your Bible daily. Meet your Lord and Savior. Know Whom you worship.
“This command I am giving you today is not too difficult for you to understand,
and it is not beyond your reach.
It is not kept in heaven, so distant that you must ask,
‘Who will go up to heaven and bring it down so we can hear it and obey?’
It is not kept beyond the sea, so far away that you must ask,
‘Who will cross the sea to bring it to us so we can hear it and obey?’
No, the message is very close at hand;
it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.”
(Deuteronomy 30:11-14NLT)
and it is not beyond your reach.
It is not kept in heaven, so distant that you must ask,
‘Who will go up to heaven and bring it down so we can hear it and obey?’
It is not kept beyond the sea, so far away that you must ask,
‘Who will cross the sea to bring it to us so we can hear it and obey?’
No, the message is very close at hand;
it is on your lips and in your heart so that you can obey it.”
(Deuteronomy 30:11-14NLT)

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