I asked Durian,’ Who do you want to be; the best durian in the world?’
Durian makes that sad face and said, ‘I want to be Coconut.’
‘Hey, why you want to be coconut?’ I’m confused. First, I thought Durian is the King of Fruit in Malaysia and every fruits want to have that title. Second, I’m confused; why I talked to Durian???
‘Because coconuts are very useful; they can be use for cooking… bla bla.’
I was thinking how in the world Durian know about Coconut so well, I can’t believe this.
‘You’re created as Durian. Be it! Not everyone like you, especially your smell… but most people does. You’re created an original, don’t die shaping yourself to be coconut... don't copy other fruits.’ I said while looking at 'him' tried to shaping flat 'his' spikes out. Durian then smiles back at me and lo and behold, it was a dream. [Does that sound familiar?]
Eric Hoffer said, ‘When people are free to do as they please, they usually imitate each other’. When Michael Jackson died (or even before he died), many of his raging fan try to imitate him; the way he walks, talks and especially his famous dance ‘Moon Walk’. There’s nothing wrong when we try to exemplify someone else, but there’s a point when we need to realize that who we are is who we are created to be. None like you, you’re custom made. You’re originally made; you’re the only one in all of creation who has your set of abilities.
So stop copy someone else, be original. There are things that you just can’t do or don’t have, don’t worry. You are not created to be all things to all people. But you can be something for some people. Durian cannot be coconut, but Durian is King after all.
‘The copy adapts himself to the world, but the original tries to adapt the world to him’ writes John L. Mason. He continued, ‘While the original is always hard to find, he is eay to recognize. God leads every soul in an individual way.’
“Don't copy the behavior and customs of this world, but let God transform you into a new person by changing the way you think. Then you will learn to know God's will for you, which is good and pleasing and perfect.” (Romans 12:2)When you become the original you, you will learn to know God's will for your life... and always, God's will is good and pleasing and perfect for you. Do you want to be original? THINK BIG. START SMALL. GO DEEP.

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